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    I thought the new Duracrap was ugly, The first thing to do to the front end would be to smash it into a cement wall. I'll keep my 03 for a bit. Remember the Aztek?........................
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    It might grow on you like fungus does.
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    Boost pressure and intercooler hose Question

    boost Boost on a stock 03 should be around 23 psi 3rd gear wot, unloaded. Even loaded(stock) it shouldn't go above 26-27 (ocasionally) On My 03 I started to see 30-35+ psi on my guage. It turns out sometimes the vanes in the turbo stick wide open and let to much air through. There is a...
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    Donaldson makes the OEM Air filter, find a dealer Fleetguard Your local IH dealer, my oil filter was $25 CDN (racor) and the Fuel (racor)was just over $40............they had their list price at $90, he said that was stupid and gave it to me just above cost. Jon
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    latest flash......recall emissions for 03

    Anyways I've lost 3 mpg on the lieometer WTF? Yeah it runs fine but not past the fuel station.............but everything is normal or so they say until I reach my 150000km then I pay..........:dunno
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    Does anyone know of a place San Diego where I could pick up an exhaust kit.?
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    Rough Idle

    primose oil Primose oil is natural pms medicine for women, works on some, not all, cheap insurance for a nice home environment.:sweet
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    Uhhh, Call Bill Gates??:eek:
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    Rough Idle

    bb....bbb.....bbbbb......bbbbbbb......beater Thanks guys, I guess it can idle like sh.t, as long as it doesn't stall, I guess I'm ok. And I thought my better half was nutty and sometimes doesn't idle quite right. They say that is the nature of the beast??? Well this week I'm...
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    Rough Idle

    How much is an OBD2 scanner?
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    Rough Idle

    So what does one make of this. My truck (march 27 03) has had rough idle while warm, does not do it while the oil pressure is up(cold) but does it while warm (under 20 psi). The idle fluctuates up to 75 rpm sometimes and I can feel the vibration in my foot while stopped(auto). I can also hear...
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    red fuel in the 6.0

    They use a "dipstick":roflmao
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    help with mpg

    stuff Hypothetically, I know of a truck with 40,000 miles of red fuel:thumbs with an additive that raises the cetane 5 points, hypothetically of course. no issues.....hypothetically.
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    Help with weird occurance

    They fixed my dipstick, no questions.
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    dino or synthetic

    Delo 15w40 competes with some synthetics, Basically is the best Dino oil out there. Will syn prevent major engine failure no, piece of mind yes. Some syns are not as good as others. Check out Too much info for my pea brain. Oil info overload.
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    what can i do w/out getting rid if the warranty

    Sure you can back all the programmers to the stock setting but it still leaves somesort of trail indicating something has been altered. The is a trail, even if it is minute. It is up to the dealer to decide whether he is going to charge you or Ford.:dunno:(
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    Transmission Fluid in Fuel

    Atf works as a lubricant for the injectors. The old injectors, fine, do it. The new ones are expensive and don't stand much abuse. Use a fuel additive designed for it. Don't take the chance.
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    Head Gasket?

    I think what happens on some are the head bolts stretch slightly allowing a minute gap. Maybe they weren't torqued properly. Another thing to ponder is that at 25 psi is almost 2 atmospheres of pressure. Try to hold your thumb over an air hose with 3 psi in it and you won't be able to hold it...
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    Air Filter

    The gauze type filters do flow 3500 rpm and up. When I first got my 03, I saw a flow chart comparing the Donaldson vs the K&N filter(I think it was KN). They had almost identical flow numbers until 3500 rpm then the K&N flowed more. Seems your paying 300 bucks for a...
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    Head Gasket?

    stock boost is supposed to be 22-25 psi WOT 3rd gear. 28 for stock is on the high side but they are all a little different. Puking coolant could be from the degas bottle to full ,or your head gaskets are lifting under the pressure.
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    Water in fuel; Question

    oh yeah, buy a fuel additive. Do it every tank. They help disperse water, add lubricity, and increase cetane rating. Just remember that draining the water out of the HCFM is part of your maintenance. Water will destroy your injectors, and corrode your fuel system. The injectors are designed...
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    Water in fuel; Question

    First off, The HCFM water sensor will go on with very little water in the unit. I just had some water in my fuel, I drained it at least 15 times over a 1000km into a clear bucket so I could see the how much water if any. The last 3 times there was none but the light was still on. I bought a...
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    Replacement Air Filter

    Check out your International/Navistar Truck shop for fuel filters or a Racor distributor. I paid 52.00 CDN for the fuel filters at International, they were in a Racor box.
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    New substance on ground this morning?????

    There's never enough good recipes for cat :)

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