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  1. I

    2nd belt 14000 miles 06 6.0

    My 03 squeaked but they replaced the belt and all was good. Don't use the Goodyear belt listed for a single alt/AC 2003, it will howl like you wouldn't believe. (too long) I couldn't take any more and bought a Dayco one, much better.
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    Exploded? 6.0

    Doesn't Aluminum melt at 1220 F, the piston must be some Al alloy, no?
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    Planet Ford

    Check You PM Vince, Check your Private message box, it may help.
  4. I

    Motorcraft vs. Fram Oil Filters

    I have used Racor filter's in a commercial application that sees over 6000 engine hours/year for 15 years. Lotsa of Filters. Never a problem with any Racor product at least from my 2 bit experience for what its worth.
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    thanks guys, pretty sure its the alt. Does Bosch make one? I can't find the part number in the Bosch book. Does anyone make a rebuild kit you can buy?
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    6.0 Carnage

    So now you mean "BROKED LIGHTNING". just joking sorry to hear that.
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    How the heck do you know which one is not working if the batt light comes on in the dash and the batts still have a green eye. I know the green eye is only one cell and the other cells might not be good. Any thoughts?
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    Seduced to the blue side

    My wife said I couldn't have a street bike, so I bought one that weighs 7000lbs.,Fast yet safe. :) You'll love your truck.
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    Oil Sample

    The bottom portion of the sample, Oil condition and particle count shows whether there is fuel/coolant etc. Under 2% fuel they put down no fuel under the chart and will say in the reply what the % was if any. No comment is less than .5% and they don't bother with it. I have had 0% fuel...
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    eot sensor

    It is a Boss O-ring fitting, #4 or 6 if I rememeber correctly. Just get a Boss to NPT conversion then you can hook up an oil pressure gauge, hard piped in behind the oil filter housing, neat and tidy, but took some time as it is hard to get into.
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    Oil Sample

    I'll give a run down on Monday, going hunting for the weekend.
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    Oil Sample

    All same engine, stock engine.
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    Oil Sample

    Here's 4 oil samples The top is Amsoil 5w30 5500 km 2 is Royal Purple 15w40 8000 km 3 is MC 15w40 5000 km 4 is Texaco Ursa 15w40 5000 km 2 syns and 2 dino's, which is better? All seem pretty close. Just for anyone that was wondering, and if you can figure the chart out
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    glow plugs and the winter

    If you have access to a block heater, use it, the HPOP doesn't like cold oil and is very hard on the unit.
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    glow plugs and the winter

    -26 C and not plugged in mine started, with an antigel additive
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    YAY! I got the WIF warning twice in 25 miles!

    WIF Drain the fuel into a preferably clear container. You will be able to see the water in the bottom quite easily, along with some chunks of yucky stuff as well. I've had to drain mine maybe 15 times until the light would go out. Drain, drive 15 min, drain, drive 15 min. don't be scared...
  17. I

    oil pressure?

    Oil gauge I took the Engine oil Temp sensor out, t'd into it and ran an extension around back of the oil filter housing, where the sender sits. Twas a bitch to get at though. All of it is hard piped. No leaks, 25000 km.
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    Oil Vicosity and idle romp

    :p Iknow this is opening a whole can (and More) of worms but I'm going to ask anyways:burnit I'm curious to know what grade/make of oil people are running in their PS. The reason I ask is I have an 03 with the latest flash, have 45,000 miles on it and I'm ready for another oil change...
  19. I

    rotellaT Vs Mobile1 Desiel Oil

    Filters Just remember that "f..d" probably boxes someone else's filters, not Motorcraft, so if you know which one that's great. In Canada look close to the end of the alphabet for a hint.......water, whiskey, whiners, whales, :eek:
  20. I

    possibly buying a 07 6.0, warranty questions

    ????????? If your "friend" owns the dealership then wouldn't he tell you what systems would void your warranty???????:p
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    Oil filter body

    Actually it is metric and it 36mm
  22. I

    Stock 03 Air filter

    Anyone having problems with theirs sealing, just got an oil sample back and had a fairly high silicon reading. ?:dunno
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    03 6 l

    it's seen the vet a few times, nothing major, 1 turbo 2 injectors, started oil samples as well, all the flashes down. C94 injectors though......... don't want too spend the money on new 06 as I figure I can get 10-12 years out of this one.................72,000km, no cel ever .....Idle is...
  24. I

    03 6 l

    Hypothetically, if you had an 03 would you keep it or sell it?:thanks :burnit :hail :o :p :cool: :sweet :thanks :eek: :roflmao -mad -popcorn :thumbs :sorry :dunno :) :canuk :woo

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