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  1. irish4x4

    My first Diesel

    It's a 7.3 thing. I do like that all silver look!:oval :welcome3 :oval
  2. irish4x4

    another new texan

    :oval :welcome3 :oval Another Texan?! Do we advertise out there or what?:tounge
  3. irish4x4

    New Diesel owner in Maryland

    :oval :welcome3 :oval
  4. irish4x4

    Name the movie

    "...I know where you live, and I've seen where you sleep, and so help me god your mothers will cry when they see what I've done to you!"
  5. irish4x4

    Any One Use "Edge Juice w/Attitude monitor"

    Love mine. Clean install, easy set-up, flawless performance so far. (3 years and counting):2c
  6. irish4x4

    Newbie from Colorado

    :oval :welcome3 :oval
  7. irish4x4

    another newbie

    :oval :welcome3 :oval
  8. irish4x4

    New Excursion Paint Scheme

    Looks awesome! I liked the big window look of the f150's so much that I did the B pillars on my crew cab. Its funny how a little thing like that can change the whole look of a vehicle.
  9. irish4x4

    Cackle Cure Kit???

    WOW! That read like instructions to build an aircraft from a kit!:dizzy Seems like a huge pain in the azz just to slightly diminish the noise that makes a diesel a diesel.
  10. irish4x4

    OEM air intake box

    Dog- I think I kept the whole assembly when I did my change out. I'll check tonite. It would show up in an Airaid box. Do you still have the factory filter guage that goes in the inlet tube? Joe
  11. irish4x4

    Power adder dependability

    Max- I have been running the Edge Juice module with the Attitude monitor for the last 3 years with absolutly no ill effects (knock on wood). Their tech support is very helpful if you need them. Banks makes great parts too. I chose the Edge because it was the only module, at that time, that...
  12. irish4x4

    New Exterior Lighting MODS Complete

    Geez, Stephen. It sure would be nice if you could take a little pride in your ride. I mean it could be an outstanding rig if you would just take a little time and elbow grease and clean 'er up.:nudge Congrats. Your truck looks awesome. Have a great Christmas.
  13. irish4x4

    Camo Accessories

    Cabelas has some good camo accessories. Seat covers etc.:sweet Cabela's Official Website - Quality Hunting, Fishing, Camping and Outdoor Gear at competitive prices.
  14. irish4x4

    08 Tailgate Without The Step?

    The contact is made when you pull out of the pallet. The fork thickness and the clearance inside the pallet are less than height of the mechanism. I sold my step 'gate and found a step-less model and had it painted again. No more problems.:clap:
  15. irish4x4

    08 Tailgate Without The Step?

    While the Step in the 'gate is the idea of the century, it does have one issue that is a real pain in the butt. If your loading something on a pallet or a skid into the bed via a forklift, the mechanism that hinges the "Stripper Pole" on the inside of the tailgate sticks up higher that the rest...
  16. irish4x4

    CD Error

    YEAH!!!time to upgrade!:sly
  17. irish4x4

    Rain X Window treatment

    works AWESOME on glass shower enclosures too. We have very hard water here and the water jumps off the glass with rain-x.
  18. irish4x4

    New all time temp record in Reno

    Nope. Record was 108 (according to the news). The Airport recorded a 108 yesterday but the surrounding valleys saw a couple of 110's. How can I keep my left arm a nice shade of red if the window is up all day? My slurpee turned into a regular soda in about 10 minutes! :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao
  19. irish4x4

    New all time temp record in Reno

    Holy jeez! With the window down the hot air going over your skin is like............well, really hot air.:wow :wow :wow
  20. irish4x4

    Used Lift kit? How much to pay?

    Skyjackers stage 2 kit is not a bad set up. keep in mind that you will need to buy new rear U-bolts. U-bolts are designed to "stretch" when torqued and since it's already been installed once you will need to replace. Check Lift Kits, Tires & Wheels by 4 Wheel Parts or Summit Racing - High...
  21. irish4x4

    6.0 reliability

    Could'nt agree more!
  22. irish4x4

    Hi from Alaska...

    :ford :welcome3 :ford
  23. irish4x4

    hello everyone

    :ford :welcome3 :ford

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