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  1. N

    Long Awaited Engine Pics (here ya go WD)

    wow.. thats better then factory clean..... wish i knew how to wash my engine... i close my eyes when i pop the hood:doh:
  2. N

    Fender Flare color options, opinions needed

    i love the fender flares on the 450 and up trucks..prob dont make a rear though
  3. N

    new wheels and tires

    thanks fellas, gonna run these in summer and use the factory ones in winter, was thinkin about a 3inch lift for it too, maybe make my own, some track bar spacers, new coil springs, not sure but maybe you guys would know what else i would have to do to lift front of it up 3inches saw this 3inch...
  4. N

    OK, I just fell in LOVE at the Texas State Fair!!!!!

    pretty cool, still big fan of the flamed out hd trucks!!!!
  5. N

    new wheels and tires

    what do you guys think? i like wheels and tires, tires are pro comp extreme at 305,75,12.50,r17 wheels are xd hoss's
  6. N

    I messed up!

    umm i think ur just gonna have to bite the bullet and sell ur single, and buy dual kit
  7. N

    Oil pressure gauge Installation help needed

    i had electric sender that came with my autometer c2 gauge
  8. N

    Oil pressure gauge Installation help needed

    i just bought a new oil filter cap from oilguard with tapped hole, then hooked the sending unit straight to that.. works awsome, couldnt find any other place to hook it up,
  9. N

    Need New Mirrors

    thanks royboy... those not bad price 429... im guessing thats power moving mirrors.. just dont get power fold and slide..which is what i have now.. might think bout doing it if i can sell mine
  10. N

    straight pipe

    yeah.. bama.. i dont like look, and sounds like 6.0 with muffler, they said it doesnt have chip... and smokes that much.. hmm
  11. N

    straight pipe

    heres somthing i found, sounds quiet compared to 6.0 Video - 08 Straight Pipe Video
  12. N


    hey, my badges are chipping on the lettering, any easy way to strip and repaint lettering.. i just want to leave them on the truck, maybe paint them different color..
  13. N

    Boost gauge

    at best im seeing lil over 25 psi, most time its between 20-25
  14. N

    Boost gauge

    sweet... lol i was excited once i fixed it... i mean engine has been doing me awsome i have 54000 on it.. problem free.. and mileage is back up after got rid of the winter fuel, runs bout 17-20...:thumbs
  15. N

    Boost gauge

    i was driving truck lastnight.. and my autometer nor my stock boost gauge werent showing any boost... well lil bit like 3psi, i check under the hood.. connection to map senor line is kinda cracked... thought it was ok.. started driving seems under powered too, so i started to worry, then i get...
  16. N

    This will make you sick.

    ok.. start thinking up how to design that idea... you lll make millions.. or not.. worth a shot
  17. N

    6.0 6spd

    heres few new shots of truck
  18. N

    6.0 6spd

    i have 2005 reg cab f350 6spd ordered it as well, i love it, its not that slow if u keep it in the 1900 to 3000 range, pulling is same use all gears and keep rpms up and it flys, its nowhere close to a cummins low end but this engine was made for higher rpms, prob why it has 4000 rpm limit, not...
  19. N

    Normal Pyro Temps????

    auto meter c2 egt mines right around 350 to 450 at normal driving driving 65 with head wind prob 500 lil more or less no wind 425 or so
  20. N

    After market wheels problems

    i checked bout my wheels.. which american racing say they dont make centering rings for superdutys.. im really not sure why they told me this, maybe those were for car wheels, or maybe its somthing u have to get machined, they said they've never heard of any probs, which doesnt mean it doesnt...
  21. N

    After market wheels problems

    well, im getting rdy to order some new wheels, they dont come out till end of may... but american racing says... if you need hub centric wheels.. u can either get centering rings that lock into back of wheel, or u need to torque to right specs with tires off ground so they dont get moved off center,
  22. N

    Oil and Fuel pressures

    i think i just called them.. they just sold me flilter cap.. lil expensive think 90 bucks
  23. N

    bilstein shocks?

    its been while... but i finally got a price..and if i get ones for my truck.. its 05 4x4, with 2inch leveling spacers... they priced shocks at like 250 each... can i just run regular shock.. and not worry bout getting 2inch longer ones? not like i do too much offroading
  24. N

    OEM Air Filter removal?!?!

    i tore hands up too lol got it out without doing all that... but it was pain.. ill follow that next time thanks
  25. N

    6.0 turbo

    thats what i was thinkin.. i dont know alot bout how to make hp.. but add said up to 550 on stock engine... not sure, sounds awsome, also noticed on they say spring 07 for 6.0 turbo so prob gonna be lil bit, i dont need one or want to buy one yet since my stock turbo is doing...

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