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  1. T

    exhaust manifold leak / sputtering ???

    If you have "the beginning" of an exhaust leak, and you can't hear it 'cuz of the engine noise, then you're going to have to wait it gets bad enough to show some black soot on the surrounding parts. Inspect every inch of the exhaust system, looking at surrounding components for black soot. The...
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    2002 f350 front vibration

    If it only has the vibration when the lockouts are engaged, that narrows it down a little bit. Is the transfer case also engaged when this vibration occurs?
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    Now I've got time....

    That's the one.... thanks for finding it for me. BTW, I found out that on of the part numbers referenced in the TikiWiki article isn't right.... I don't remember which one right now. I'm going to get this installed over the weekend. I've got the packaging, so I'll compare numbers and post...
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    Now I've got time....

    to install the Ford aux switches and other components to accomplish the high idle mod (among other things) and have everything be stock looking. I know I saw some pictures on this forum that someone had taken using the Ford goodies, but I'll be jiggered if I can find them now. Can someone...
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    Where do you fit in?

    And open letter from a 4x4 driver to the people that are scared to death to drive on snow and ice: I will say that I will NEVER be without a 4x4 vehicle. The bigger, the better. You folks will drive at a speed you feel is safe on the icy/snow covered roads. ;tu Good for you. Me too. If I...
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    2005 6.0 diesel wont stay running

    I guess I should've said that the 5,000 mile oil change is right from the Ford horse's mouth. 5k for "normal" driving conditions, 3k for "severe duty" conditions, which includes lots-o-dust and/or heavy towing most of the time. If you're going to use Power Service, the white jug (also...
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    comment Tail Gunner, powerboater and all other military members

    Another story... same subject... I did not witness THIS story myself, but while working for AA for 14 years, I did witness similar events. Subject: Flight Report A pilot (who wishes to remain anonymous) for a commercial airline writes: My lead flight attendant came to me and said, "We have...
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    CB radio question

    Go to a cb shop near a truck stop. They always have used radios that they've gone through. Some of the more popular radios are built one way to get them in the country, then a knowledgable tech will make some kind of simple mod inside to really get some good power out of it. As already...
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    Crate Engines

    Beware! I don't know what's causing it, but every time I click on that link, it crashes Safari on my iMac. Even going to the website causes a crash. FYI.
  10. T

    2005 6.0 diesel wont stay running

    If it runs smoothly when it DOES run, then it sounds like a cam or crank position sensor is beginning to fail. BTW, if you're using the truck in a "normal" driving environment (ie not real dusty or not pulling something real heavy most of the time) you could save yourself a little money by...
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    Maiden Maintenance Voyage on 6.0

    If you REALLY want to dig into it, get some fluorescent dye for the oil (it only takes an ounce or two) and dump it in. Clean off the area real good with the brake cleaner suggested, then run the truck for a day or two, or at least until you see the drip again. Get yourself a small black...
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    Maiden Maintenance Voyage on 6.0

    I haven't seen a 6.0 motor YET that doesn't develop a slight leak in that very area. Give it some time, it'll probably stop on it's own.
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    Help Needed Looking for underhood stickers/decals.

    Well, seems to me like you've made the right decision.:dunno
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    Underbody Rust

    Normal rust, IMHO. Did you read the Rust Bullet web page? If it were me, I'd use the Rust Bullet. I think I'd also hit the worst spots with a wire wheel or the like.
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    Question Turbo boot problem

    I too had the boot blow off on my '04 while towing. Limped it into the Ford dealer in Ozark, Arkansas. The mechanic did exactly what other replies have mentioned... Cleaned the mating surfaces of both the NEW boot and pipes with lacquer thinner, then used Aqua Net Super Hold on all...
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    Question Banks power system

    There are several things that anyone wanting to "increase power and fuel economy" should do BEFORE installing a chip/tuner/modifier etc. to accomplish said increase. Lots of members here have done the mods, and have had good luck with the 6.0 after the work. Things to be done: ARP head studs...
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    Transfer case diff lok solenoid circut

    Sounds like someone forgot to plug in something after the engine work was done. Sorry, I don't know what 1832 is exactly, other than to say it's transmission related. Other than that, I'd consider taking it back to them and tell them what you found. They shouldn't expect you to inspect the...
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    My baby is gone.

    So sad! I bet you wear black for a month! After an appropriate period of mourning, look at as an opportunity to get another one!
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    comment wow.

    I had to Google Matt Stafford to find out why he "sucks", cuz I don't watch pro footie-ball. I would have to agree, just based on some of the photographs that came up of he and his "ladies"... if you can call them that. Looks like a spoiled rich kid to me.
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    Wanting to buy a (stick) welder but have no clue what size I need

    An angle grinder will take care of the "dirty or rusty" part before you start a weld using ANY welder. Always works better when the metal is as clean as possible. I would also recommend a good helmet. Personally, I like the auto-darkening helmets.
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    How to Refinish RV's Clearcoat

    I've seen RedPro Max applied to two different RV's. Made the entire RV look great for a month or so, then the RedPro started peeling where it was applied over the vinyl graphics on both units. There's gotta be a better way.
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    Help Needed Torqshift troubles

    Any codes showing? Read this. There is some info on that page that may help. Search the page for "tow/haul" and several TSB's come up.
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    Transmission Filtration from DieselSite

    Don't get me to lyin'.... I thought SP was the correct fluid for my ride... after the problems I experienced, I would look in the owners manual and see what it says. I would also suggest you verify the proper type of fluid with more than one source..... Autozone, various Ford dealers...
  24. T

    Underbody Rust

    It can be painted over with a topcoat color of your choice.

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