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  1. F

    Lift question

    Let's get a sticky going This is great information for someone considering a Pro Comp lift! It seems like some manufacturers make consistently good products, some companies only make junk and others are hit or miss with their quality. It is hard to sort the good from the bad due to the...
  2. F

    Shimming the FPR 99-03 7.3

    Due to a previously clogged tank screen (prior to the Hutch mod) I think the fuel pump may be weak and on borrowed time due to working so hard when the intake was restricted. What is involved in looking at the regulator? All I am familiar with is the procedure for shimming the FPR.
  3. F

    Shimming the FPR 99-03 7.3

    I finally got around to putting the gauge on the fuel filter bowl today, but I am a little confused. Although the truck seems to be running fine, the gauge readings seem low. Here they are: 680 RPM....30 PSI 1000 RPM...29 PSI 1500 RPM...29 PSI 2000 RPM...27-28 PSI 2500 RPM...25-26 PSI...
  4. F

    Magnefine filters

    I never used one. These are the ones that go in line before the cooler, right? Is there a set mileage to change them at? How would you know if they become restricted? Do they bypass?
  5. F

    clogged fuel system

    Maybe put a vacuum gauge between the fuel tank and fuel pump to see if there is a restriction in the tank screens?
  6. F

    Vero Beach, FL

    I work up there. I see you just joined the forum. What are you driving and what's your backround with it? Mods?
  7. F

    ATF change intervals?

    The fluid in my automatic looks and smells fine, but I'm wondering if I should change it out based on time instead of miles? Anymore I do good to put 10K on the truck in a year. If 30K is the mileage number, whats the time recommendation for when to change the fluid? Three years?
  8. F

    Cleaning engine?

    I put plastic grocery bags over the air intake, alternator, glow plug reley and power steering pump. I then take a squirt bottle and use the Castrol purple degreaser followed with a water rinse.
  9. F

    Vero Beach, FL

    If there is going to be any type of get together in my area, Please PM me and let me know. Although I've had my truck for a while, I just got started doing things to it and I would like to meet others that can show me how to do it right. Thanks
  10. F

    Oil Guard has been sold

    I just ordered an Oil Guard and I have a couple of questions that maybe you seasoned users can answer. As a rule of thumb, how many miles is the filter element good for? I do not put many miles on the truck, less than 10,000 per year. How long, time wise, can I go between oil changes...
  11. F

    2 Stroke oil as a diesel additive???

    Does anyone have long term results running the 2 cycle oil as an additive in a DI engine?
  12. F

    Dahl 100 Fuel Filter

    I did get everything done and I was able to handle it all by myself. I'm so proud. I dropped the tank, I did the Hutch and Harpoon mods. The screens both on the foot and in the mixing chamber were VERY clogged. I got the new fuel line run and everything is back together. The truck seems...
  13. F

    Dahl 100 Fuel Filter

    I'm going to give it a try tomorrow. I have printed off the instructions for the Hutch Mod. I hope I'm not getting in over my head:confused:
  14. F

    Dahl 100 Fuel Filter

    No, it did not. It came with enough hose to go from the steel fuel line to the filter and from the filter to the pump. It's looking like this is a problem that was there before I got the filter, I just didn't realize it because I did not have a guage. I certainly cannot put any blame on Bob...
  15. F

    Dahl 100 Fuel Filter

    And Zero it is...
  16. F

    Dahl 100 Fuel Filter

    Update I removed the entire filter unit from the equation and had just straight fuel line. It was still reading -8-mad I then blew compressed air through the fuel line and into the tank, thinking that the strainer in the tank may be some what obstructed. I then hooked the Dahl back up...
  17. F

    Dahl 100 Fuel Filter

    I removed the filter from the fuel line and I read only -8, so it's definitly the filter causing the restriction-mad
  18. F

    Dahl 100 Fuel Filter

    No veg oil in it, for the moment. I've run two tanks of straight #2 diesel in it to help clean out the tank before I do the Harpoon and Hutch mods, so the veg is not a factor right now. The fuel in the filter bowl is clear with no debris of any kind in it. I really don't think it's a fuel...
  19. F

    Dahl 100 Fuel Filter

    For you guys with the Dahl 100 fuel filter, what does your vacuum guage at the filter read? I just installed the unit and it is currently reading -11. What should I expect when the filter becomes restricted enough to slow flow to the pump?
  20. F

    coolant filter thoughts

    Thanks for the tip. I took it for a drive yesterday after torquing them down even more. I popped the hood when I got back and did not see any drips. Hopefully everything is good now. The coolant filter is done, the Dahl 100 is on. I guess next I'll start shopping for a by-pass oil filter...
  21. F

    coolant filter thoughts

    Yes. One and a half wraps on each. No leaks where the hose barbs go into the valves, only where the valves go into the filter head. Although I knew to do so, it would have been nice if the need for T-tape was included in the kit instructions for someone who is as much of a novice (dumb ass)...
  22. F

    coolant filter thoughts

    Irritating leaks I installed the coolant by-pass the other day. I had a tough time getting the block drain plug out. I thought a 3/8" drive extension would fit into the square hole, but it was too big. I went to Advanced Auto and Sear's, but they did not have anything that would work. I...
  23. F

    coolant filter thoughts

    Thanx for the tip but I have the kit on the way already
  24. F

    Shimming the FPR 99-03 7.3

    Fitting Size In an effort to gather all the parts before I get started, can anyone give me the size of the fitting I need to replace the brass plug on the back of the filter housing so I can run a pressure guage from there? Any final tips before I get started? Thanx
  25. F

    coolant filter thoughts

    I'm comforted to hear good things about Bob at The Diesel Site. It's nice to know there's people that will do the right thing and not focus on just the sale of a product.

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