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  1. R


    Keep the old one in the glovebox with the wrench just in case
  2. R


    Talk to Tony Total Diesel Performance Home Page He's the one you want. I use the 40 tow for everyday driving. 80 when that little extra is called for, and I don't use the High Setting very often, mostly 'cuz I can tell the tranny doesn't like the extra power. I towed with the chip for the...
  3. R

    Burnt wire harness under valve cover

    RacerX that is the best explanation I've ever read on GP harnesses Thank you.
  4. R

    I want smoke!

    Put a plastic bag over your air filter, you'll make lots of smoke.
  5. R

    Crumm's Extended Hitch Project

    Very nice job there Crummy.:thumbs
  6. R

    Fifth wheel trailer with lift kit

    Your gonna have problems with the bed rail to 5er clearance issues. I do with my OBS with NO lift and my axles are flipped on my trailer.
  7. R


    One other thing to double check is the clamps that hold the U joins in, EZ had a similar thing. Here--->>Drive shaft vibration -
  8. R


    :welcome3 Glad to see another OBS(Old Body Style) truck around here.:clap:
  9. R

    Idling smoothly, FINALLY!!!

    Tony can make 'em run that's for sure:thumbs
  10. R

    Burnt wire harness under valve cover

    When was the last time you changed the Glow plugs? I'd look there first.
  11. R


    Congrats! Hope everyone is doing well
  12. R

    Anyone use a power jack for their trailer?

    IF you go to Oilburners look up member argve. He has a power jack on a 31' TT and I've seen him lift the front of his trailer and the rear tires of his Dodge about a foot off the ground. He may be able to give you more info. I was impressed by the amount of power his jack had.
  13. R

    When putting a car on a dolly.......

    Does the dolly have pivot points under the car tires? If not then the steering wheel needs be unlocked in the car so the wheels can turn(left-right). Car should still be in park but, steering column unlocked. If the dolly has pivots drive on, put in park, take your keys, and strap it down.
  14. R

    Crumm's Extended Hitch Project

    Crummy it look's real nice.:sweet One question though, is there enough room above the hitch ball to lower the camper step when the trailer is hooked up? looks kinda close in the pic.:confused:
  15. R

    Glow plug R/R

    Just funnin' ya ramp. Hope the truck starts better for ya. :sweet
  16. R

    Glow plug R/R

    You mean I was helping Rampy:doh: :doh: -mad :roflmao
  17. R

    Do I want the Impossible?

    How about something like I saw one once and thought it was a great solution. Toss a quad in the truck then one the trailer.
  18. R

    Maiden voyage

    Nice lookin' set up. :sweet 1/2 bath? I thought all 5er's had 1/2 baths:D Good thing you went last weekend, this ones gonna suck.
  19. R

    Glow plug R/R

    IIRC I used a 1/4" drive deep socket(10mm?)and short extension(3"). The best way I found was to completely engage the socket to break the GP loose, then slide the socket up to the end of the GP hex to give you enough wiggle room to get the GP and socket past the rockers. If you leave the socket...
  20. R

    Glow plug R/R

    Nope pretty straight forward. Worst part it getting the pass. side valve cover off. You can remove part of the heater box for clearance.
  21. R

    Factory Bumper Tow Rating

    Uhhh paint won't make it tow any better:tounge :sweet
  22. R

    Factory Bumper Tow Rating

    Nice hitch. I double checked, yep 500/5000 lbs for REAR bumper:thumbs
  23. R

    Factory Bumper Tow Rating

    IIRC the owners manual says 500/5000
  24. R

    door fit

    The pin is not threaded into the door jam itself, but rather into a plate inside the jam when you loosen the pin with the torx bit the whole pin and plate can be moved in or out or up and down to get the right fit. I did the ones on my truck and made the doors close so air tight you had to crack...
  25. R

    Nothing stops the mail?... Ya right

    :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: Gonna have to wait until Friday. :cussing: Rain all week and truck wont fit in the garage-mad

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