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  1. R

    door fit

    Loosen up the door pin at the latch(on the cab not the door itsself) You can adjust it to make the rear of the door close tighter to the body. It takes a torx bit.
  2. R

    K&N is in!!

    K&N filters are designed for High HP race cars. not daily driver street trucks. Do yourself a favor, put it back in the box, take it back and get a quality paper filter.
  3. R

    Nothing stops the mail?... Ya right

    Well my replacement showed up today. Thanks Tony. Can't wait to get it installed
  4. R

    Nothing stops the mail?... Ya right

    -mad -mad -mad Ordered my chip from Tony last tuesday. Waited a week for the mailman. Nothing came, so I contacted Tony, and yep he shipped it, Priority mail. I guess someone in the USPS needed to make their rounds faster-mad-mad -mad Tony's still gonna hook me up though :sweet Another fine...
  5. R

    AHHHH FENCE!!!!!!

    Fixed it for you :tounge :sly
  6. R

    Extended Towing Mirrors

    :thumbs Looks good. Do they shake?
  7. R

    Extended Towing Mirrors

    IIRC your mirrors use the same top holes as ours, but you would still have to drill holes in the bottom of the doors for the lower mounts.
  8. R

    97 dashboard

    What find69 said, and you'll have to remove the headlight switch knob. use a small screwdriver(flat blade) and depress the metal tap through the slot in the backside of the knob then pull the knob straight off. If you have an auto you may have to move the shifter to low gear to get the gauge...
  9. R

    Extended Towing Mirrors

    I have the same as bressler. If I were to add a set of these to another truck I would move them ahead as far as possible. The factory mounts them too far rearward for best viewing.
  10. R

    Speaker pods

    Tried to PM blocked
  11. R

    Speaker pods

    I might be interested in a set too, if you make any more. Those look sweet.
  12. R

    Injector replacement

    When mine were bad(replaced at 175K) the truck would studder(best way to describe it) under hard acceleration, and felt very underpowered. Heavy exhaust smell at idle(burned your eyes).
  13. R

    Daddy happy

    Went down to by buddy's shop(Double S Diesel) the last two Saturdays. Last week we installed the sonnax valve, tricumulator springs, and guages. Yesterday we installed the Baby Swamps, SD double belt tensioner mod, new Gp's and GP relay, and the roaddraft tube(back to rear axle). Set the...
  14. R

    97 f-350 airbags?

    Where are the sensors located. I do know that the truck was wrecked once(not sure how bad) I'd just like to verify if it is funtional or not. When I get a chance I'll take a pic of the airbag wheel. But I'd like to know where to look for the sensors.
  15. R

    97 f-350 airbags?

    Hummmm??? My dads 97 cc dually has one. At least that's what it says on the wheel???? He bought it used and I guess it is possible that the colomn was swapped at one time. wonder if it works?
  16. R

    Must be a Dodge owner (towing mistakes)

    Over heard at the next truck stop. "Yep, she said 'Get your $&!@ and get out!" "So here I am" :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao
  17. R

    Sad day

    Sorry to hear that Mike, looks like a great pup. RIP Banjo
  18. R


    ATTA Boy!!! Don't feel bad about the "fits all" kit. Most of the kits are like that and you have to cut the intermediate pipe to get the right length. Now go get some sleep you arms will hurt tomorrow.
  19. R

    97 f-350 airbags?

    Are you sure about that? I know of only one 97 that has an airbag(thinking it may have had the column replaced)
  20. R

    97 f-350 airbags?

    Did any 97 F350's come with driver side air bags?
  21. R


    It's been 8 hrs .... done yet???? -popcorn -popcorn
  22. R

    1995 F250 Dually???

    says Centurion on the door.:sly Looks like the owner forgot to put the tailgate down when he was hooking up to the 5er.:doh: I don't think its a bad looking truck(if you like purple):tounge I like the gasser tail pipes:haha
  23. R


    Becareful when cutting the down pipe. Watch where the blade is going besides the DP. It is tight quarters and other things may be damged by a misplaced blade tip. I cut the firewall lip about every 1/2 inch and the using a bar and hammer pounded the smaller section down flat. Hanging the...
  24. R


    Saws-all with a 12" blade is a nice thing to have.

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