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  1. iracemine

    7.3 IDI dead on the road

    its also when I change my fuel filters twice a year. :dunno
  2. iracemine

    7.3 IDI dead on the road

    they have also switched the fuel here already. You can always tell by the sudden sharp rise in price and sudden loss of mpg.
  3. iracemine

    Question Runs when first cranked HELP

    except the one to plug in the block heater. :tounge:sly:lmao:innocent
  4. iracemine

    Question Runs when first cranked HELP

    oup, sorry. I ment the glow plugs. there is 8 of them. one per cylinder. You can test each one via the under the valve cover harness, or just taking each one out and testing them right out in front of you. But by then I would replace them anyway since they have a lifetime of around 120K anyway.
  5. iracemine

    Help Needed 7.3L mystery

    thought about this too. It might be coming loose.
  6. iracemine

    Question steering problems

    OUP. yeah hes right. sorry Im a 2WD guy. Live in IL no need for that 4WD stuff. sorry
  7. iracemine

    Help Needed 7.3L mystery

    get another cps sensor and chuck it in there just to rule out a bad sensor. Bad new parts happens more than you think.
  8. iracemine

    Question steering problems

    Never heard of anyone re-building a steering box. Mostly upgrading to the redheaded box. Steering Gears | Steering Gearbox | Rack and Pinion | Red-Head Steering Gears, Inc. But I am sure you could and just pull the bearings out and get them crossed reference at your local parts counter...
  9. iracemine

    Question Runs when first cranked HELP

    yeah Id say something with the gpr or a bunch of bad plugs :sweet
  10. iracemine

    Help Needed 7.3L mystery

    OK a quick idea. when it dies and you try to start it up again right away to no avail, does the tachometer move?
  11. iracemine

    read every cold start post, no success. PLEASE HELP!

    Guess I'll explain in case anyone in the future comes up on this in their search. If you just throw a volt meter on your batteries it means nothing. AND if you just pull your batteries especially after you tried to start your truck...... and bring them to a automotive parts store. They will...
  12. iracemine

    read every cold start post, no success. PLEASE HELP!

    both batteries are dead. Try driving to a parts store and then getting them individually tested. Id bet they are just slowly dieing.
  13. iracemine

    lost Dad yesterday

    sorry man.
  14. iracemine

    Rear Main Seal leaking

    yeah its usually from the valley.
  15. iracemine

    Re-sealing the 5er problem

    Did you try streak specific wash yet? It worked wonders (for me) on the stains that regular car wash couldn't even touch :dunno
  16. iracemine

    Question steering problems

    steering box bearings. it would be like your steering has indexing. from you second description i would guess alignment. do you watch them when the put her on the rack?
  17. iracemine

    Trans problems at 175000 miles

    :dunno waiting to hare about this, since im not that far away from that mileage.
  18. iracemine

    Any ideas.

    did you wiggle the turbo to see if it has any play in the shaft? It sounds like that's about to go.
  19. iracemine

    Help Needed HELP! Early 99 7.3 stalled and won't start...

    sounds like your uvch fell out. did you zip tie them together or buy the little clip when you checked them?
  20. iracemine

    Question Stancor problems

    yeah I can hear my pump from inside the cab. Sounds like its going out. Id say even if the filter or tank filter is clogged it will make some noise. After you change it out you might want to pay attention to the fuel pressures to see if that was maybe why this one went out. :dunno
  21. iracemine

    Question Stancor problems

    did you individually test the glow plugs? one or two might have let go.
  22. iracemine


    this is easier. Whistle Tips with Bub Rub - YouTube they go wooh wooh
  23. iracemine

    axle wrap

    it was the slip yoke. got to do it again.

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