What :eek: ! Dang, and I just talked to another guy saying that he only got 40mpg with his. I thought them things got closer to 70mpg. any other 3 cylinder cheep turds recommended???? I cant wait to dump this truck and get my RV!!!!
its simple. Bad economy means less money for people to by "chips and tuners" which means less broken trucks then less people on the forums with broken truck questions. :tounge :lmao
"corporate" never got back to me. And if you ask the desk monkeys they say the stores all independent. But they ship from napa to napa all the time. Your right they just say what ever they can to back out of any warranty or any customer service.
I plan on making up a "say no to napa" vinyl...
I kept my mirror off (wish it was still off) until it cracked, and when I had the windshield replaced I had it replaced with I believe is a "regular cab" windshield. The regular cab mirror is mounted lower than the super and crew cabs. At the same time I bought a 05' or 06' windshield that says...
torsion is much better. Kinda wish I got mine torsion. Quieter smoother, and tows easier. And I like my screw-less exterior. Looks better and less things to carroed.
That stuff is made to run in some low tech machines. Not to surprise if it gave you some trouble. It also gets handled (stored) poorly too. I always wanted to try it till I knew a guy in a rental place and he told me not to.
OK so now I cant stand NAPA even more! I looked at the "onyx" on line vs what I paid for vs what the box said on the out side vs what I got. They straight up cheated me. AND I have not heard a word back from the "customer support".
I going to the shop now to see the "warrantied" rotors to see...