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  1. M

    cooling system cleaning??

    Restore by Fleetrite will remove silicates, oil, and fuel from the cooling system. I got it from the Int. dealer. $23 for the gallon.
  2. M

    dumb tuner question

    All the tuners use TS chips. Make sure you GET GUAGES!!!
  3. M

    A little extra pulling power

    3" downpipe, open exhaust, DIY 6637 intake, custom tunes, I like PHP, and gauges if you tune. That should get you moving. That really woke up my 97.
  4. M

    High EGT's and lack of top end power

    Boost leaks? Check the IC piping.
  5. M

    Question 06 6.0 to an 04 6.0

    Could be the flash on the motor. Get the ficm reflashed, PHP does it, get back the lost power and mpg's. And yes the 05+ have an additional 10 lb-ft of torque.
  6. M

    Changing Valve Cover Gasket

    Pretty much "plug and play" just take off all the stuff around it and replace it. Torque them down accordingly, good to go.
  7. M

    &%@#+ Jury Duty!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just show up and say "that guy is definately guilty, I can tell by just lookin at him!" Should get you "excused."
  8. M

    Rotella T6

    I used the t6 in my 97 and just put it into my new 06. I had no complaints in the 97, so far so good in the 06.
  9. M

    Question Is the 6.0 Junk ???

    Fuel filters $50-$70:eek:. Go to the International dealer, $33 out the door. Same filters, just in a plain white box.
  10. M

    Low dust pads

    What have anyone of you found to be good pads with low to no dust. Is there even a pad like this out there? I was told by the local auto store guy that ceramics are not recommended for these trucks. The pads are for an 06 6.0 f350 4x4. I have a toy hauler that gets pulled around about 5-6...
  11. M

    Where to buy SCT Custom Flashes

    Innovative diesel is one of the most popular. PHP tunes them also. Have not heard much about the SCT tunes from them, but they should be like any of their other tunes.:sweet Gearhead is another one, Elite diesel also.
  12. M

    Help Needed Tranny Over Heated

    Prolly not moving real fast on those roads=not much air through the cooler. Plus the air that was going through is thin.
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    I hang out on the PHP forum all the time, Groovy Chick (Corey, 1/2 of PHP) answers my question here. Cool. Small world of people trying to help each other out.
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    Anyone use this stuff? Seems a little, check that VERY EXPENSIVE, for the little bottles you get. Not to say you need a big bottle for it to work, but does it work? And also, does it just make the truck start and run better? I have heard that once you start using it, you need to keep using...
  15. M

    Torque ??

    The valve cover on the pass. side of my 97 read 225hp, 480 tq.
  16. M

    Fuel filter bowl cleaning

    I took the element out and then cleaned it out with rags, q-tips, whatever fit down there. For the my obs, I needed a crows-foot wrench to get the stand pipe thing out. As for cleaning without taking the element out....good luck.
  17. M

    Fumoto valve

    Dieselsite carries them and has free shipping on them.
  18. M

    need help for a friend

    Some of them are black. Not sure why or what year.
  19. M

    need help for a friend

    I checked at the stealership for the orange part...$100. That was a year ago, or so. The thing sticking up is the crankcase vent (I think) that puts oil in there. The K&N is responsible for all the dirt! You said asap on the orange boot, but occationally they are on ebay, much cheaper.
  20. M

    superdutys new friend

    My obs's friend is my cheby cobalt. Not as much fun as the mustang, but 37 mpg is hard to argue with.
  21. M

    pyro guage install

    If you are worried about the chips, use a small magnet and the vacuum to get all of it out. What ever makes you sleep better at night.
  22. M

    strait pipe

    Less back pressure, cooler egt's, and yes LOUDER!:sweet
  23. M

    Powder coating wheels

    Thinking of doing my stock OBS wheels, different look, less cash than new wheels.
  24. M

    Oil Filters for 7.3

    How about Mobil 1 filters? Local store has the 1995 and the Mobil 1 for the same price.:dunno
  25. M

    Just wondering

    If you are responsible with the power, you should have no problems. If you run the 310 tune without proper engine mods, and drive it like you stole it, you will have failures, common sense.

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