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  1. Radarman

    and the saga continues

    Rich.. I agree you should plug in a physical HPOP gauge in. Remember you did that HPOP res mod here before you started the engine. Possible that you either, 1 - got some metal chips in the injectors, or 2 - the mod is messing things up, or 3 - the motor is fubar somehow. I really dont thing...
  2. Radarman

    modifying 94-95 timing cover for 96-up HPOP

    Ok.. I am working on this now. I will post the entire story here later, but for now, things are looking good. I modified a 11/16" spade bit by grinding off the tips flat and it worked like a charm for creating the recessed area for the new o-ring. Since the '95 timing cover does not have a...
  3. Radarman

    modifying 94-95 timing cover for 96-up HPOP

    OH.. shoot, forgot about the drainback valve hole. Ok.. yea, I got it.:o Cool.. I will be taking my truck down to California in a week and a half, so I want to get this done before then. I will call ya again today!
  4. Radarman

    modifying 94-95 timing cover for 96-up HPOP

    Ok rich, hows it going on this? I assume the engine is running ok other than that funny sound you posted about? I am ready to start this now, and tried calling you, but I guess you are beating the heat somewhere. 1. do I need to pull the fuel filter and assy or can I leave it on? Looks...
  5. Radarman

    AutoEnginuity on a 1995?

    I have a '95 with a mle1 burn in it. My Alex Pepper reads it fine, although I have to manually associate a PCM output to a function. Maybe it is just me.
  6. Radarman

    modifying 94-95 timing cover for 96-up HPOP

    I got my reservoir in last week. Father and law and I are talking about how to make the o-ring grove. Probably will work on this this coming weekend. I have my clutch out right now, so I cant test it either. Should be on the road here soon...
  7. Radarman

    modifying 94-95 timing cover for 96-up HPOP

    Ok.. here goes. I have ordered the reseroir and gasket. Once they come in, I will be starting on this and will send pics and such of the install. Between the two of us, we should have a set of instruction and pics shortly. here are the part numbers I ordered: F6TZ-6658-AA - RESERVOIR...
  8. Radarman

    modifying 94-95 timing cover for 96-up HPOP

    I have not installed my accumilator tank, so I would like to volenteer to be the beta tester on this. Question for you. You say that you will need: Do you mean reservoir COVER? Second q.. the hole you are drilling.. Is that a return for the SD Pump? I assume that the hole matches...
  9. Radarman

    modifying 94-95 timing cover for 96-up HPOP

    Shewt.. My truck will drain down in less than 48 hours. I would be estatic with 7 days. If yours is only down 1/4 inch in 3 days, you got r licked!
  10. Radarman

    traction bars?!?!?!

    Here are some from a fella in Alaska. i will be building a similar setup, but I will have a johny-joint in the front to keep the binding out of the picture.
  11. Radarman

    got the stealth back

    Hmm.. Well, I have the leak only since I put on my SD pump as well. It is leaking between the resevour and gasket right at the top of the pump, so I am wondering if I nicked the tank surface cleaning the old gasket off. The old one was not a aluminum one like the new gasket is. Next time I...
  12. Radarman

    got the stealth back

    Hey rich.. sorry to hijack your thread, but I have a question for you.. I seem to recall that you were getting oil leaks at the oil resavour... I have an oil leak that is right at the gasket between the HPOP and the front tank. It seeps faster the higher the RPM. I have taken the pump off...
  13. Radarman


    WOW. That is great info. Never saw that before. Thanks!
  14. Radarman


    Nope.. takes 2 or more days. 3 days and you can pretty much be sure it has drained. I just set my chip to high idle, kick it over, let it die, start it again and off it goes.
  15. Radarman


    You serial number is on a flat pad on the block in front of the oil cooler. You can read it by getting under the engine and looking around the front of the cooler if I recall. There is a way to tell if you have the early front cover.. According to Nit on TDS: "if you have a tube on the...
  16. Radarman


    If you go with a Supter Duty 02 pump, you will have a HP oil tank bleed down issue. Basically, the 94 and 95 HPOP has a check valve located in the pump to keep oil in the tank, and the later years have that check valve in the tank itself. There are several fixes to address the bleed down...
  17. Radarman

    Breakout Box ****(pdf article and pics added)****

    Hey Jim.. you remember you have your very own spot on my web server that you can cram whatever you like.. Post them there with your other stuff, or send them my way and I will post them for you.. Thanks in advance!
  18. Radarman

    Luk cerimatalic clutches

    Absolutely, we do have experience with these clutches. Basically if you browse the archives on TDS, you will find that people rave about them. A con OFE is for an engine with a bit more power than stock, and has a likewise more touchy engagement. If you are going for basically a stock...
  19. Radarman

    Breakout Box ****(pdf article and pics added)****

    Jim.. what harness are you splitting into? and what signals are you interupting?
  20. Radarman

    rough idle

    gosh.. the oil comes to mind too.. Just to be safe, change your oil. Mine starts telling me when I need to change the oil by running rough and noisy.. Good luck..
  21. Radarman

    Breakout Box ****(pdf article and pics added)****

    Jim... Lemme know if you can get some pictures of your breakout box.. that would help a bunch.. I may be able to make something with just pics.. Hardest part is setting up the relays to do the switching as close to the plugs as possible. If you all the wires up to a remote switch, I...
  22. Radarman


    Caster? cant get caster into spec? I think that is a line. Caster is adjusted by the tie rod end adjustments. Only way they would not be able to get it adjusted is if the tube is maxed out one way or another. Make sure that you have an equal number of threads in each side of the tie rod...
  23. Radarman

    Breakout Box ****(pdf article and pics added)****

    I will go out on a limb here as well and say that if someone comes up with a schematic, and a source for the plugs, I will make one. If it is not too hard, I will make more than one. I can get all the relays and stuff here local, so that stuff should not be a big deal. info? This sounds...
  24. Radarman


    Just got off the phone with fella at Sounded very informed.. Anyway.. here is what I got; several numbers are different than what you had listed: 2002 HPOP GASKET F6TZ-9417-AA 1995 1C3Z-6K649-BA OIL COOLER O RING (4 REQUIRED) 1995 F4TZ-6A636-A OIL COOLER GASKET 1995...
  25. Radarman

    Hello everyone..!

    Thanks for the welcomes! Soo.. do we have some sort of help network of some kind?

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