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  1. kingkevindavid

    first problem in 6 years

    Not sure Alex. I will check that tomorrow.
  2. kingkevindavid

    first problem in 6 years

    I was thinking FICM, but it doesn't run well hot or cold, it won't run at all right now. Forgot to add that I thought of a low voltage problem so I hooked it to the battery charger to try and start it. I am still leaning towards a fuel / FICM or sensor problem mainly because I turned the truck...
  3. kingkevindavid

    first problem in 6 years

    No CEL and no DTC's (at least what I can see with my cheap generic scanner) I did change both fuel filters so the fuel filters are good. I know the fuel is good because the fuel that is in the truck is the same that I put in my big trucks, delivered at the same time. I put in more than enough...
  4. kingkevindavid

    first problem in 6 years

    its in the heated shop now, but it warmed up past 35 today and it is worse than it was this morning. I will try again in the morning. I couldn't even get it to start after awhile (it had been in the shop for over two hours)
  5. kingkevindavid

    first problem in 6 years

    Alright guys, I have been on here for awhile and would like to think I have helped out a time or two. I know have a problem and need some advice. I fired the truck up this morning after having it plugged in last night (13 degrees) it sounded a little funny when I started it but i went back...
  6. kingkevindavid

    Another one that makes you wonder what they were thinking!

    Are you sure it wasn't another truck that looked just like it?.....hahaha. Yeah I was North bound 495 heading to 95 south. Truck is a work of art.
  7. kingkevindavid

    Another one that makes you wonder what they were thinking!

    I saw this one today while driving the big truck today at work. I couldn't believe how much "stuff" was on this thing. Notice the spot mirrors on the front of the fenders. The crazy winch system in the bed with the hoist. The mirrors and spot light on the A pillar Not sure what that...
  8. kingkevindavid

    need some pics?

    can't help you with the routing but maybe a suggestion. I did a 408 in my 87 mustang notch and wanted to lighten it up as much as I could so I used a Flaming River close ratio manual rack in it (or the Summit equivalent for a better price) Lightened up the car, one less belt to rob horsepower...
  9. kingkevindavid

    Diesel Kleen in 6.0

    I use it all the time here in Ma. without any problems
  10. kingkevindavid

    Fixing up truck - need help

    Not sure of any builders but I would be very interested in following your build, sounds excactly what I would like to do in a year or two
  11. kingkevindavid

    SCT tuner

    Thanks for the help guys, looks like I will be giving Eric at Innovative a call!
  12. kingkevindavid

    Article New Stabilizer

    I went through the original stabilizer in 35,000, a Napa replacement (made by Monroe) in another 30,000 and finally switched to a Moog with lifetime warranty. My stabilizers were just leaking, no shaking.
  13. kingkevindavid

    SCT tuner

    I am looking at finally buying a SCT tuner. I want to order a one with some custom tunes on it. My main priority is plowing snow and being able to shut off the check engine light since I unplugged my EGR. Where is the best place to purchase the SCT I want? Thanks for the help!!!
  14. kingkevindavid

    What I did Sat night and Sunday

    hey guys thanks for all the great comments! Rich, I wish I has more work for your buddy and my buddies around the area, but I am sure you know how it is still around here. Has he checked into plowing for a town in the area? most towns are paying $70.00 or so per hour to plow, just have to have...
  15. kingkevindavid

    What I did Sat night and Sunday

    We had between 18"-24" with some monster drifts. The SD did a great job with all the snow, handled it like a champ. We had a pretty impressive looking fleet. My SD in my sig, Two 99 SD's with 9 foot plows and a Ford tri-axle with a 11 foot plow. Three trucks we have on for the town is...
  16. kingkevindavid

    What I did Sat night and Sunday

    Figured you guys would like to see what I was up to on Saturday night and all day Sunday. We had quite a bit of snow up here in Ma. so I got 18 1/2 hours of time plowing for the state not to mention the private stuff we have. We also had 18 hours of plow time for our three other trucks with...
  17. kingkevindavid

    New Member New from Mass

    Welcome to SDD. Where you at in Mass? I am in Middleboro
  18. kingkevindavid

    Pilot holes??

    always need a box of ST-ones!
  19. kingkevindavid

    looking at 2004 6.0

    I have a 2004 and it has been pretty much trouble free. I bought it new and it has 71 and change on it right now. Besides normal service I have done an alternator, had a rear main seal under warranty and my EGR valve just crapped out the other day. I tried to clean it but I think its done. I...
  20. kingkevindavid

    Pistol brand recommendations?

    Tons of great info already given out / knowledge shared! I will throw in my two cents since I consider myself somewhat experienced in the use of weapons. As already said the Glock. I have owned and carried the same one since 1996 without a single problem. Still my favorite one. It is the...
  21. kingkevindavid

    Alan Jackson's house for sale

    That's a lot of grass to mow!
  22. kingkevindavid

    note HB Big Joe

    Happy Birthday Bud!!!
  23. kingkevindavid

    Mileage Champion

    gonna break that magic 1000 soon... :lmao:lmao:lmao
  24. kingkevindavid

    Mileage Champion

    not even close here, just a tad under 70,000. Should rise considerably in the next year or so though!
  25. kingkevindavid

    sweet custom trailer

    incredible trailer!

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