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  1. Kleetus

    Leaking Torqshift

    Is a picture possible?
  2. Kleetus

    Fords New Warranty

    About the only thing that they'd be replacing on a 100k mile warranty on the rear ends is that pathetic joke of a limited slip. I'm working on my dealer to replace mine with a detroit trutrack... I'll buy it if they put it in. I'll never be back for that problem again... I've got 24k on the...
  3. Kleetus

    Leaking Torqshift

    A picture would help... There was a TSB about a ring coming loose under service for snow plowing (don't ask why this app only). I'm wondering if that didn't come loose, and smack the case on the inside. It could also be casting porosity, where a little material came loose, and now it's leaking...
  4. Kleetus

    Does this sound right?

    I'm lucky if I can break 13.5 going downhill with a tail wind... somethin' ain't right... Who else other than blackstone do you trust for oil analysis?
  5. Kleetus

    gooseneck hitch install

    Here's what I did...
  6. Kleetus

    Does this sound right?

    Technically no... you should gain some capacity... I'm surprised at the length of the tubes. Once your fuel level crosses the yellow pipe opening any further fuel will attempt to push fuel up the vent tube, hence mega burp, and you wear it. I can see having some room at the top for expansion...
  7. Kleetus

    gooseneck hitch install

    I have one in my bed, and have the rhino liner done right up almost flush with it. It's a hidden ball. My buddy put it in for me, as he's an installer, and it wasn't too bad. I have my trailer electrical connection in the bed, up high on the left tailgate post. If I did it again, I'd have had...
  8. Kleetus

    Does this sound right?

    No I haven't... I was gonna ask what the heck you were talking about, then I remembered your other post. I think once it gets a little warmer here, I'll do that. When I fill up, it takes me a while but I quit when I have fuel in the mouth of the filler neck, I've done it every time I fill up...
  9. Kleetus

    The crap is hitting the fan...

    To a point, yeah, but do you really think some guy running a fork lift with barely a high school education really needs to make 80k a year? I think not. And then have the audacity to ask for more, or complain that his benefits are being squeezed? Hi! Welcome to the real world where the rest of...
  10. Kleetus

    Does this sound right?

    I get about 100 miles to the full mark, another hundred to 3/4, another 75-100 to half, and then from there it's 50 to 1/4 and 50 or so ish to empty. Haven't ran it dry yet...
  11. Kleetus

    Does this sound right?

    it's all kinda relative... GM buries their sender in the tank to make it look like it never uses any fuel, but once it comes off full, it falls like a ... Um, "like a rock" I remember they did an ad about that and they had some redneck idiot on there talking about how he's gone purt' near 100...
  12. Kleetus

    Wheres my coolant going?

    Oooo... If it's not on the ground, it's going out the tailpipe, meaning you probably have a bad EGR cooler or head gasket(s). Sorry for the bad news man. What's your oil look like?
  13. Kleetus

    Needed 6.0/torq-shift stand-alone harness and controller

    Check ebay... I saw a complete engine and I think the tranny too for 10K
  14. Kleetus

    Ford Construction Video

    does anybody have a functional link to the video of the ford chevy dodge test video? I hit the other ones, and the links are down.
  15. Kleetus

    Pic of 08

    what did they do? pry the lock off the door? My dad's 97 got broke into on the passenger side, and it was all screwed up...
  16. Kleetus

    The crap is hitting the fan...

    This guy did wonders for Boeing... let's see what he does here before we all start crying about how the middle class gets nothing...
  17. Kleetus

    Pic of 08

    I'm not saying I'd buy one, Just that I liked their headlights better than ours. I wonder if there was some federal BS that came down about the height of the lights?
  18. Kleetus

    North Texas Nissan has and '08

    Thanks for deleting my post
  19. Kleetus

    Just saw my first 2008 in person

    Center Shift shouldn't be that tough to implement... it's just the routing of a cable anyway. I could take it or leave it really, it eats up more floor space. Looks cool though...
  20. Kleetus

    Pic of 08

    I saw a rather hokey GM commercial last night for the new Duracrap... it was pulling a bunch of railroad cars down the tracks loaded with other trucks. It was a dually, with no guide wheels on it, and had just negotiated a sweeping turn. Uh... no... sorry... I can see it being able to...
  21. Kleetus

    The crap is hitting the fan...

    I'm not real religious even on a good day, but I agree 100%
  22. Kleetus

    The crap is hitting the fan...

    Don't even get me started about "Global Warming"... It's just a screen to keep the sheeple's minds off how bad they're being screwed in this country. In the early 70's it was global cooling... maybe in 5-10 years it will be global moderation... Doubt that... we'll all be goose stepping by...
  23. Kleetus

    6.0 PowerStroke problems...

    Mike K - yeah we have both, one's on tone ring on the crank, and the other is on the passenger side if memory serves me correct. I'd have to look at the bible to be sure. I don't buy the injectors are loosing communication crap... they don't communicate, they're dumb slave devices. If the PCM...
  24. Kleetus

    Which programer

    Again, thanks, but anything on paper?
  25. Kleetus

    Tight engine compartment?

    Ah-DUH... look at the market they're after... they still think the Big #3 is gonna come out of the pits sometime. They're worse than Elvis fans! :tounge

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