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  1. jharvey

    Hit A Cop, Lose The Election

    WooHooo.....Ohhhhh Happy Days............Ohhh Happy Days............ Now we get to see how bad Hank Johnson is..........
  2. jharvey

    Sunset over......

    Dang....let me know next time your at Wade, I live about 2 minutes from there.
  3. jharvey

    Sunset over......

    Stephen this is actually about 1 mile from my house here in the Smyrna/Marietta area.
  4. jharvey

    Sunset over......

    the local fishing hole......had a cool sky and just had to snap a couple.
  5. jharvey

    Academy students fired

    Talk about stoooooopid!!! Glad these idjut's never got loose with a badge and a gun........ Academy students fired
  6. jharvey

    4x4 low range

    That's correct, stop, foot on brake, tranny in neutral and then flip the switch over to 4 low.
  7. jharvey

    water in fuel

    Not to beat a dead horse here but most times all it takes is a little Diesel Kleen or Stanadyne for a couple of fill ups to clean the sensor. Mine did it at 7k miles and took two tanks with 8oz of Diesel Kleen and 2 drainings, no more problem. At least it worked on my '06.
  8. jharvey

    do all texans drive slow?

    For the record I'll have you know I have never spilled beer in my entire life, I've have spit it out thru my nostrils once or twice reading the crazy doings of other members but never have I spilled beer, my granny taught me about the Beer God :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao
  9. jharvey

    do all texans drive slow?

    That's the problem with you Texans, gota have somebody hold your beer while you do something that should come naturally. Down here in Gawga we've coined the phrase "Hand me another beer and HANG ON!!" :roflmao :roflmao just messin' with my diesel brethren over there in the republic of TEXAS...
  10. jharvey

    Guages for..........

    ricers...........:roflmao :roflmao
  11. jharvey

    Lightning over Atlanta

    Was out riding around when this storm rolled in over Atlanta. I couldn't resist getting the camera out..... 30 second exposure at f16 ISO 100, caught 3 seperate strikes in the 30 second window.
  12. jharvey


    Vacuum pump more than likely. On second thought do the '02 have the hydroboost system?? May want to look at that.
  13. jharvey

    Boat Problems

    Bring Out Another Thousand Sounds like ignition to me as well. Don't forget to change the fuel/water seperator/filter.........don't ask how I am reminded to change mine -mad
  14. jharvey

    Happy Birthday Robert (Powerboatr)

    Happy Birthday Robert...................:thumbs
  15. jharvey

    Jekyll Island Trip

    Stephen, Jekyll Island is on the Georgia Coast, in the Brunswick, St. Simons area. About 5 hours Southeast of Atlanta.
  16. jharvey

    Jekyll Island Trip

    A couple of pics from our Jekyll Island Trip.... Enjoy
  17. jharvey

    Big-Block gas engine options.

    Hey Crumm, for what it's worth the GM 350 in my 26' Monterey has been sitting for about 2 years. 2 new dual purpose batteries, a little gas fixer upper (stale gas doesn't burn real good lol), and a few pumps on the throttle and I liked to chit my britches when it spun over and caught on the...
  18. jharvey

    NJ shut down

    I do believe.......that when elections roll around in NJ, there will probably be some changes.
  19. jharvey


    Great shots Mike, looks like you folks had a good time. As for a tripod, get ya one of them carbon fiber jobs that doesn't weigh much. I'll bet the youngster on the tube had a great landing :eek:
  20. jharvey

    You Canadians need to........

    stick to hockey......... Form?? What's form....and cool shorts :roflmao YEAH....NAILED IT!!!! Oh cape is caught on my Teva golf spike and I shanked it damn... We love you guy's and gals but Puuleeeeze :thumbs
  21. jharvey

    Traffic Jam in Florida

    Pete, hopefully the weather will co-operate with the shuttle launch, I'd love to get down there for one. As far as Florida tipping into the ocean............well not gonna go there as my little bro is in St. Augustine right now :roflmao
  22. jharvey


    A Very Special Grandpa Pearls of Wisdom from Little Johnny?s Grandpa! This is a short story written by a grandson who had a very special relationship with his Grandpa. Many of us unfortunately were born after our own Grandpas had passed on and never had the opportunity to...
  23. jharvey

    Guy Rules.....

    Notice there all numbered 1..... 1. Men are NOT mind readers. 1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down. 1. Sunday sports. It's like the full moon...
  24. jharvey

    Headed to FL to see some BIG FISH

    Have a safe trip and have fun
  25. jharvey

    Got the job!

    Congrats :thumbs

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