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  1. 02stroker

    Joke of the day

    The worst part of this joke is it's true. But still funny.
  2. 02stroker

    Look What I Found!!!!

    Priceless :lmao:lmao:lmao
  3. 02stroker

    6.9L upgrades

    Thanks alot, I'll let him know.
  4. 02stroker

    Tire Build Dates

    Thanks Joe, I learned something new today. Good information to have.
  5. 02stroker

    6.9L upgrades

    Thanks for the help. It's an 86 F-250. The motor is stock. The spray pattern on his current injectors is bad. What he was looking for was a better spray pattern than the originals. I'm not really up on the 6.9's so I figured I'd ask here.
  6. 02stroker

    Dubya dropped in for lunch!

    President Bush was in Qatar while I was there. I didn't see him speak because of the shift I was on, but I do have pictures of AF1 on the tarmac here somewhere. Pretty cool.
  7. 02stroker

    Question gas meter no working..

    I'm not positive, but I think they are right around 38 gallons. I'm sure someone else knows for sure.
  8. 02stroker

    Oil in florida "inland"!!!

  9. 02stroker

    6.9L upgrades

    Hey guys, I got a friend that drives a 6.9l diesel. He's looking to get better injectors for it since his current ones have seen their better days. Does anyone know where he can get some upgrades for his truck. I'm not sure what year it is. Thanks.
  10. 02stroker

    Scared to death....

    I value my clutch, transmission, and driveshaft to much to ever do something like that.
  11. 02stroker

    DIY Tymar+water??

    Just did the Tymar to my truck a few weeks ago and I love it. Turbo spools quicker, whistles out the tailpipe, and with the windows closed you can really hear it sucking air under the hood. :sweet
  12. 02stroker

    Vietnam Memorial Moving Wall photo

    I think the only word to describe this picture is awesome. Great job.
  13. 02stroker

    long cranking time, smokes

    Sorry I didn't post the results. It turned out to be the IPR. The glow plug relay wasn't powering up because the engine was to warm yet when I tested it. We ended up towing it to the dealer and they tested it and decided the IPR and the injection pressure sensor were going bad. Since they...
  14. 02stroker

    SMART CAR's are pretty tough...

    I'll second eating the reciever hitch.
  15. 02stroker

    Diesel Power Magazine

    The worst part about Diesel Power is I think every person on their staff is a Dodge owner.
  16. 02stroker

    CCV and DIY Intake

    Without a doubt. Wish I would have done them sooner.
  17. 02stroker


    He is now the proud owner of the world's most expensive tent on wheels. Hopefully it didn't rain on his camping trip. LOL
  18. 02stroker

    Zoodad or Screwedad?

    I have never had a problem with water getting in, and I have driven through some pretty heavy rail storms. The only thing I did was add a piece of screen over the opening to keep the bugs out of the filter. When the screen gets bugs on it, you reach trough the grill and wipe them off. Sure...
  19. 02stroker

    CCV and DIY Intake

    Just finished installing the CCV mod and makeing my intake. Used the 6637 Napa filter. Works great. Slightly more turbo whistle out the back, but a huge difference when you smash the go pedal to the floor. Gotta love the SDD Tech. WIKI!!! :sweet
  20. 02stroker

    Think Our Fuel Is Expensive...........

    But also keep in mind that most European countries have mass transit systems that make ours look bad. In many European cities you can get where you need to go and never even own a vehicle.
  21. 02stroker

    Semi good news.

    Glad to hear things are starting to look up. And glad to hear you beat the Chevy to the top.
  22. 02stroker

    Leak on the Driveway

    First place I would look is the HPOP o-rings. Had them replaced twice in mine so far. The oil runs down the valley and down over the bell housing. Thought my rear crank seal was out the first time. Depends on how bad they are leaking. Sometimes only a few drops, other times a big puddle.
  23. 02stroker

    Fender Mod?

    Thanks Big Joe. :sweet
  24. 02stroker

    Fender Mod?

    Heard a few mentions of a fender opening mod for the DIY air intakes. I looked in the WIKI, but didn't see anything. Can anybody tell me what it is and if it's worth doing ? Thanks.
  25. 02stroker

    Why I love my truck

    Wonderful stories gentlemen! Always enjoy hearing about smoking out the rice burners and the ones who don't know how to drive. :clap::clap::clap:

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