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  1. O

    Albuquerque, New Mexico:

    I work on Base, so when you get in Ill give you my work phone and we can meet for lunch or somthing. Mark
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico:

    What would you like to know. Mark
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    Intercooler separating OEM

    I got the new Mishimoto Intercool in and looks sweet! Fit like a glove. Nice install. Got it installed and the truck seems to be more responsive and runs like champ! Very HAPPY!!! ;tu Next upgrade will be the coolant filter. Thanks to all who replied! Mark
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    Intercooler separating OEM

    Update, I found one at a salvage yard cheep, went over to pick it up and it is doing the same thing as my old one. At the same location, it was starting to separate. So I went and ordered an after market intercooler. I just hope this will permanently fix this issue. Thanks for all the help...
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    Intercooler separating OEM

    Good idea! Do you think they will be able to get the o-rings? Mark
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    Intercooler separating OEM

    I figured out why I’m not making boost, and this is why, Is this common? Any reason why is would happen? Which after market to look at. Thanks Mark
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    No boost, lurches and lots of smoke

    Well got it put back together and looks like I have my old truck back, thanks to all who helped with this! This forum always rocks. Eric Cant thank you enough! :hail If you make it to New Mexico let me know, first round or two is on me! Mark
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    No boost, lurches and lots of smoke

    I have been thinking about this overnight and the silver looking seal did not have any black on it. So is it blowing out the two holes that are on the outside of this seal? Is that how it works when the valve is sticking? Kinda better photo of the seal. Mark
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    No boost, lurches and lots of smoke

    OK I checked the hoses and they are good, pulled the EGR and it’s leaking. Black all the way out to the edges. So if this is happening, could this be my problem? If so would it be worth just getting the delete kit for it? Thanks again for your help! egregg57, it was a b#$% getting it out, tryed...
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    No boost, lurches and lots of smoke

    So what is happening is when I try to accelerate the boost will only go to aprox. 5lbs, starts lurching and lots of smoke. Seems like someone has a chain tied to rear bumper and holding it back. This happens from a stop or when out on highway and trying to speed up. If I don’t get into the pedal...
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    Slow throttle response

    Well I let the batteries die, and after I got around to putting the charger on them, and took the truck out, I found that I now have a very slow response when I hit the petal. Smoke billows out when I hit it (more than I have had in the past). Do you think I lost the programming and just need to...
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    You Gotta Friend In The Transport Business

    Need help with race car, rolling chassis, from Mobile, AL to Belen, NM. If it pans out. Mark
  13. O

    FYI Tbar

    HBD Sorry I didn't see this on your Bday. All the best to you and Good DX!!! 73 Mark Also have you been on the air?
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    Question Are there any ham radio buffs on SDD?

    It all comes down to how much you are willing to spend! Just keep in mind that as the saying goes, antenna, antenna and antenna. So are you going to operate from the QTH or mobile? I’m using a Icom 706m2g with a Sidekick antenna for the mobile and for the QTH a 746pro and 756pro3 with a 3el...
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    New antenna, Ham it up!!

    ;tu Lance, so your into dig also. Its a fun part of the hobby! SO have you worked alot of DXCC Countrys yet? Zookie400 Here is a link for CT Ham clubs, not sure which one would be close to you. This hobby is a lot of fun, check it out! You can talk all over the world! ARRLWeb...
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    New antenna, Ham it up!!

    Well all I can say is, money well spent!!! Having one antenna that can do 6m-40m, and be a mono bander for each (40/30 dipole) band! It is not cheep but think how much you would pay to get the same band coverage with mono antennas! Highly recommend this antenna. I picked up a used SmallIR to use...
  17. O

    New antenna, Ham it up!!

    Just wonted to show off my new antenna! Got a 3el SteppIR with the 40/30 and 6m addon. Loven it! Thanks CHP for getting me started in the hobby! Oboy AKA Mark K5WMH 73
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    Ham-Com DALLAS

    Sorry should have been Ham-Com Plano I have been thinking about flying down for the weekend, so who is going and which airport would be the best.:confused: (DFW or DAL) I would like to fly in and have the hotel in Plano pick me up and just walk to the show. I really do not won’t to get a car...
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    It seems to me we have enough Hams...

    Thats the OMISS worked all States net! Lots of good ppl! Only need to work somthing like 16 more States on the net for there WAS award for 40m. During the daythats the County Hunters net. Sorry I didnt look at the web untell well after to you started, so if I get back in time Sunday ill...
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    Passed My General Test..............

    Sweet! Tbar, how does he have his mobile setup? In my mobile I have worked mostly just Caribbean stations and also ran some US counties. He's timing was good, the ARRL had the 2007 ARRL International DX Contest, this last weekend. LOL he did almost just as good from his mobile, as I did from...
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    Passed My General Test..............

    You will do fine! Hope to get you in the log soon! 73's Mark
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    Passed My General Test..............

    Congrats to all who passed and the ones that will pass! Got my Extra in Dec.. Maybe we should try and do some type of SuperDutyDiesel net, on one of the bands? Just a thought. Mark K5WMH
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    Technician amateur no more!

    Yep, you talked me into doing the ham thing, not to sure if I should thank you or what!! ;) Ill post some photos of the antenna farm later on. Wife is starting to wonder if I have lost it!:eek: Mark
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    Technician amateur no more!

    Congrats Richard and Lance! Hope to put you in the log! 73’s Mark K5WMH
  25. O

    HAPPY NEW YEARS...................

    Happy New Year! Yep black eye pees and Ham.. :) Mark

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