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  1. roosterdiesel

    split shots? or single shots?

    Singles use less HPO and all the tuners I've talked to said they can make more power with singles.
  2. roosterdiesel

    locate bad injector

    Buzz test and cylinder contribution test will help you find the weak one, you need a good scan tool to run those tests. Also you can pull the VC's and unplug each injector one at a time. If the idle does not change when you disconnect an injector than that injector is bad.
  3. roosterdiesel

    Turbo Gasket

    There are o-rings between the pedistal and the block and between the pedistal and the turbo's center section. They sometimes leak. Also the EBP valve's actuator rod's seal tends to leak, mine was and I just eliminated the EBPV when I changed my exhaust housing. The only way too much...
  4. roosterdiesel

    bio boat round the world race

    That's interesting.....Cummins doesn't condone bio use in their engines.:roflmao Sure wish I was closer to the coast.
  5. roosterdiesel

    Fuel system wiki

    Are you doing the regulated return? If so the lenghts are prolly different for your 6.0L. What type of hose ends and regulator are you using? 30R7 is rated for diesel, 30R9 is submersible in diesel and if you plan to run biodiesel in concentrations higher than B20 it's a good idea to use...
  6. roosterdiesel

    rough idle

    Ummm, I don't see how Diesel Kleen is going to clean the IPR since it regulates high pressure oil and never touches fuel. Checkthis thread, post #8 links to instructions on IPR rebuilding.
  7. roosterdiesel

    Edge Evo and bad mpg

    Well I got a slight mileage gain running the 80hp like you already stated. There's only one Evo for the 7.3s so I don't think thats it. I was going to say maybe winter fuel but you checked it on the same trip between stock and 60hp.....I don't really know what to say....maybe your tires are...
  8. roosterdiesel

    Interior light problem?

    Is the door ajar light on? If so soak the latches in the door with WD40.
  9. roosterdiesel


    Actually the tube comes off the passenger side exhaust manifold and the sensor is connected to the HPOP gear cover on the front of the engine just below the reservoir.
  10. roosterdiesel

    Happy Bama Birthday

    Happy Birthday Bama!:sweet
  11. roosterdiesel

    Diesel fuel prices....

    Maybe back when diesel was just a byproduct of refining gasoline, but now with sulfur removal...costs have gone up. How much I don't know. It also doesn't help that all the stuff made in China was produced under lights powered by diesel burning power plants. Guess people need to change...
  12. roosterdiesel

    looking for inexpensive upgrades

    Welcome SDD patmed! Straight piping the stock exhaust will help it breath better. The stock muffler is horribly restrictive. For a few mods...some inexpensive and some not so inexpensive, you can visit our technical articles found in the upper right corner of all SDD pages or click...
  13. roosterdiesel

    regular maintenance for 7.3 reg cab diesel ?

    You have to use test strips... Coolant Test Strips....Fleet Guard....CC2602A
  14. roosterdiesel

    HPOP reservoir draining

    Welcome to SDD!:sweet You may have replaced it with a later model HPOP. Here's a thread about it and a way to modify the coverRich's Timing Cover Thread.
  15. roosterdiesel

    Help with uvc harness

    I've never been under the VC's but if you can swap inj. harnesses from an adjacent injector to the #5 and rerun the buzz test. Or swap the #5 with another injector on that side and run the buzz test to see if the code follows the actual injector it's bad....if it still throws the #5 codes then...
  16. roosterdiesel

    Truck died

    I believe the fuel heater is on that fuse. If it's bad or shorts out it will pop the PCM fuse. May try unplugging the fuel heater to see if it doesn't pop that fuse.
  17. roosterdiesel

    hole in steel line leading from?sensor

    She's posted not having any smoke or fuel odor. I don't think she's getting any fuel.:dunno If the reservoir was low and you refilled it, did it try to fire off? Also is it empty again? If it is I would think the low pressure oil pump is bad or the the pick up tube is broken. You...
  18. roosterdiesel

    It's cold and the truck won't hit a lick

    If it won't turn over at all it could be the starter or starter solenoid or wiring going to the starter.
  19. roosterdiesel

    hole in steel line leading from?sensor

    Welcome to SDD!:sweet First, if you could get the code numbers that the guy pulled with the scan tool that would be helpful. Is the Service Engine Soon light on? I doubt the hole in the EBP tube is causing your no start but that does need to get fixed. Check to see if you have...
  20. roosterdiesel

    Stacking with SCT tuner?

    A custom burned chip will not need the Juice. Save money by not buying the Juice, sell the SCMT and buy a chip from a good programmer. I've run TS(Dennis Perry), DI(David Lott), and DP Tuner(Jody Tipton) programs. I've also run Bill's programs with the Evolution. So far I like DP the best...
  21. roosterdiesel

    Chip vs. Tuner

    Welcome to SDD!:sweet A chip will be better than a programmer unless you don't need shift on the fly and get a custom tuned SCT Xcal2 from DP Tuner.
  22. roosterdiesel

    Stacking with SCT tuner?

    You can stack any ICP mod with you SCMT. Gains are minimal and I would save the money on the Juice, sell the SCMT and get a chip.:sweet Do you have gauges?
  23. roosterdiesel

    FPR shim problem, gauge adapter?

    Fuel Pressure Adapter You could put the schraeder valve in that if the end of it is 1/8th NPT.
  24. roosterdiesel

    Block drains

    I know on the 7.3L the passenger side is behind the starter and is kinda hard to see.:dunno
  25. roosterdiesel

    bio diesel?

    When I was in Vegas for a trade show back in June I tried to get B100 from Haycock Petroleum on Bonanza. :rolleyes: They only sell B20 retail and it's on a proprietary card setup. I drove from Amarillo to Vegas and back to Kingman on B100, then got about 60 gallons of #2 for the rest of...

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