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  1. acjjkamp

    Show off your personalized plates.

    this is on our Jeep, havent gotten one for the truck yet
  2. acjjkamp

    Finally.....Biodiesel available here

    I could only wish... $2.75 at our local truck stop for #2. cant seem to find B20 in the area
  3. acjjkamp

    T/H LED...

    on my 99, the light wouldn light up. I was able to pry the endcap off (carefull, the 2 tabs break off easily) it's the smooth doughnut shaped part just around the button. I couldnt fix it. ended up taking it to the dealer. they replaced the entire shifter under warrenty... good luck
  4. acjjkamp

    New substance on ground this morning?????

    i've noticed that too, and i'd have to agree with Big Joe, condensation off different metals will produce moisture or drips sooner than with other metals. just to be safe, keep an eye on your fluids. All else fails, there is the taste test...:sweet powerboater- 2-0 :roflmao :thanks
  5. acjjkamp

    Dog pictures

    this is my 13 y/o buddy, Rugby. He's a shep/chow mix and the liitle one is my boys' 1 y/o Min-Pin, Duke
  6. acjjkamp

    i scratched it

    woohoo we finaly had a break in the weather (and work). I checked the roof and found only surface paint from the sign and some minor scuff marks !!! Took some cleaner and wax and was able to get almost all of it off. that will keep things good until spring wax/detail. No bare metal :thumbs...
  7. acjjkamp

    i scratched it

    thanks guys, guess this is one time that my avatar rightfully applies to me. crumm - thanks for the link, i'll check into some of that stuff after this weekend, after i go to the dealer and get some touch up paint too. the frustrating part of the whole experience was trying to back out of...
  8. acjjkamp

    6.0 Gas Mileage

    coming back from Vegas last weekend averaged 17.9 around 75mph average. I cant complain, but the wife and kids sure do, 'cause dad doesnt have to stop for gas as often. (just under half a tank left after 400 miles). around town it gets around 14, towing around 10-11 (12k) :thumbs
  9. acjjkamp

    The official picture thread

    Last weekend around Rachel, NV (area 51)
  10. acjjkamp

    i scratched it

    Well, I found out the hard way that my truck was too tall.... sign said 6'8", but it seems that it sits at 6'9"...:cussing: We went to LV for the CES convention, and I pulled into the parking area with the heard of others. The height sign was about 30 feet into the structure, apparently the...
  11. acjjkamp

    I hate cats........

    you could always say "it ran away", just like the gold fish, rabit, and hamster did :o least thats what I told my kids, and I'm stickin to it
  12. acjjkamp

    saw this and well

    :roflmao love the one looking out of the oven...:eek:
  13. acjjkamp

    Finally made the switch!

    I'll have to Ditto Lone_Star. :o Hate to say it, but I forgot about this place after I signed up back in Apr., until I got a x-mas e-mail from the site... got stuck at the other place, :sorry This is a much nicer place to be. Al
  14. acjjkamp

    Seat Belt Alarm on F250

    I had the seatbelt minder off with the sequence steps, but had to redo it once the power was interupted. simplest way to turn it off was to reach under the the drivers seat and unplug the two wire connector going to the belt lock. no more light, bell, or resequence...;)