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  1. Ironmerganser

    FS-2500 bypass filter system

    I will be very interested in your installation write up. I am about ready to pull the trigger on the FS2500 also.
  2. Ironmerganser

    Check this out

    Has anyone requested a price on this yet? I am interested. Turbos are EXPENSIVE!!!!!!
  3. Ironmerganser

    Does this sound right?

    maybe no one knows what the problem is???? :confused:
  4. Ironmerganser

    03-04 6.0 ???

    I have a late '03 with 65k on the clock. I bought it with 59k and haven't had any problems yet. I ran an oasis report before I bought it and no problems except for typical reflashes. The thing about the problem 6.0's is that everyone writes about the problems, but no one writes about when...
  5. Ironmerganser

    Only 12 mpg's!!!

    Ya know........I should go get that done at the stealership. I wonder how much they are going to charge me for that?!?!?! Huh....just called 3 different places here in town. They ranged from $84 to $154.
  6. Ironmerganser

    Only 12 mpg's!!!

    Thanks for all the responses! I just replaced the air filter so I don't think thats it. I don't know what gears I have, but I will look into that. It sounds as though it may be worth switching gears if I can gain 5 mpg. I will admit.......I have only had the truck for 4 months so I do tend...
  7. Ironmerganser

    Only 12 mpg's!!!

    Well...on this last tank I had roughly 245 miles on it when the light came on and put in 21.625 gallons in at fill up. This equates to 11.3 mpg. I just thought I would get better mpg with this truck.
  8. Ironmerganser

    Only 12 mpg's!!!

    I have the truck listed below in my sig. I am now at 63k miles. I bought the truck with 61k. I have only put 4 tanks of fuel through it, but I am only averaging about 12 mpg. Most of this has been city driving, but one tank was strictly hwy and I only got 12.3 mpg. Is it because of my taller...
  9. Ironmerganser

    Tire Rotation

    How may miles do you guys put between rotations?
  10. Ironmerganser

    Speedo and shift points

    Pushing this up....I guess there isn't a way to do this without the computer huh???
  11. Ironmerganser

    Speedo and shift points

    Is there a way to recalibrate the speedo and shift points without hooking up a computer? I thought I read on here a while back that you can ground a wire in the glove box and then do soemthing else. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My truck specs are below in my sig. Thanks!!
  12. Ironmerganser

    Quick question

    Yeah...that is going to be one of my projects after Chirstmas. I am tired of the stupid stock "gauges".
  13. Ironmerganser

    I test drove .......

    1. I have a small lift and 315/75/16 BFG A/T's. I have no problem turning the wheel at a stand still. I have heard that other people have that same problem, but I haven't had it. 2. On a really cold night, if I don't plug mine in, it sounds kinda rough at first, but smoothes out pretty fast...
  14. Ironmerganser

    Quick question

    Look here:
  15. Ironmerganser

    Fuel system wiki

    No...I wasn't doing the regulated return. I just did the harpoon the tank and fuel sending unit wiki.
  16. Ironmerganser

    Fuel system wiki

    ?????? I just asked for fuel line that is good for diesel and the International dealer here in town finally had it. Normal parts stores (O'reillys, Napa, etc) didn't have it.
  17. Ironmerganser

    Fuel system wiki

    FINALLY FOUND SOME!!! Had to call the local "big truck" repair shop and they have a whole roll on hand. So.....thanks!!! :grin
  18. Ironmerganser

    Fuel system wiki

    I am getting ready to do the fuel system wiki this weekend. and I will be damned if I can find any diesel rated fuel line. Do I need diesel rated or will regular fuel line work? Thanks!!!
  19. Ironmerganser

    DO I NEED AIC ON 6.0???

    I just bought this 2003 F250 6.0 and my eyes are bugging out of my head :silly from reading all the posts on these forums. I LOVE IT!! Anyway...been reading a little about the AIC. What is the need for the AIC? My truck is used to drive back and forth to work (20 miles per day), hunting...
  20. Ironmerganser

    I've found the combination...

    I really never knew what you guys were talking about until I finally got my diesel. The guy I bought it from ran a 4 inch striaght pipe all the muffler. I was worried at first, but I have turned into a lover of the whistle! We were at Menards the other day and I had the...
  21. Ironmerganser

    Measuring fuel

    This is my first diesel and and new to adding fuel additive. I bought some last night and am curious as to what you guys use to measure out the correct amont each time you fill up? The 32 ounce bottle will treat 100 gallons, but my tank is only 29 gallons. :dunno So what do you guys use to...
  22. Ironmerganser

    Help!! Lost my dash lights!

    Well I do appreciate you going through the hell to find it. I ordered a new manual but it hasn't arrived yet. Everything is working great now. My clear cab light lenses and fumoto valve should be here before the weekend and I should be good to go with additions..........for a while anyway...
  23. Ironmerganser

    Help!! Lost my dash lights!

    PRAISE TO YOU ALL!!!!!! :hail If I was anywhere near you guys, I would buy you a beer!! Thanks for the help!! :thanks
  24. Ironmerganser

    Help!! Lost my dash lights!

    Nope.....just has the fuse #'s......
  25. Ironmerganser

    Help!! Lost my dash lights!

    YES!!! My park lights are out. Now...does anyone know which fuse it is. My truck didn't come with a manual when I bought it and the one I ordered isn't here yet. Thanks whatabudro!! :hail

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