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  1. D

    My TC is gone I need advice!

    -mad My TC blew in my grandfathers back yard yesterday:cussing:.Im just getting a tranny so... My dad wants me to get a jasper I want a suncoat....any thoughts?
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    Major Flood In North Texas.......

    not good.......why is it when we need rain we get a flood?????:doh:
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    chrome/smoked mirrors

    I like it! very stylish :sweet
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    I lost a friend and a American hero yesterday.

    prayers sent for the family. I am sure he is in a place where the trails are always muddy and the trucks clean themselves... God bless you Master Sgt Art Lilley May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall...
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    Fathers Day

    amen brother. without their sacrifices we wouldnt be living in the country we live in now
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    Not happy with MBRP System

    yup I dont care what kind of truck it is the DP is one of the biggest PITA of all the mods you can do. but man it makes a sweet differance when its done
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    MAP sensor location for 97

    I also like to tell everyone that I only have an intake and exhaust.....:sly
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    The Best Things You Have Found On The Road

    I got a Echo Backpack leaf blower a couple years ago. still runs fine. I also got a craftsman snow blower from a county scrap metal pickup in Potomac, MD. it had a newspaper caught in the auger. pulled the paper out filled it w/ gas and fired it up. damn thing hadent even had the paint stripped...
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    MAP sensor location for 97

    I got that particular gauge system because it was small. I really dont want everyone to know Im running my truck with a little extra giddyup which they associate with the gauges on the A-pillar which are very easy to spot
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    exhaust/muffler installation

    amen on that. I built my exhaust and the hardest longest part was ripping the stock DP out of the way to install the new DP and run the 4" plumbing
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    Beware of rock hammered tires

    I have never had any problems w/ my BFG's maybe yours came out of a bad batch or somthing:confused:
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    MAP sensor location for 97

    I just put the recon in my truck and for the money it cant be beat. you can set parameters for all the temps monitered and it was fairly simlpe to install (under the watchfull eye or rdillon:rolleyes: )
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    NOVAPS - Northern Virginia PowerStrokes - July 14th Meet

    I wish I could be there but I'll be in Dewey Beach, DE.......
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    Watch Your Speed - SuperDuty On Patrol!

    Down in College Park MD theyve got some SD's runnin around
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    A Price to Pay for alternative fule...

    the Government cant keep their hands out of our pockets.......
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    Alarm has gone crazy

    my buddy had the same occurance with his 01 Silverado. it wouldnt start so he replaced everything (starter, starter relay....etc etc) and it still didnt fire. the key wouldnt even turn the radio on. he had it towed to the local shop and found he had a security system and it caused the problem...
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    Tire Shine!!

    Armor All Tire Foam is the best Ive used so far. all you do is spray it on and let it dry.
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    Strobe lite guys. . .

    That would render your cargo lights inoperable right?
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    Black & White Pete

    cant beat an old Pete thats been taken care of like that
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    Strobe lite guys. . .

    Im planning on getting a set and I dont know if I want to put them in the headlights or the turn signals. Im going to put the ones in the back in the reverse lights
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    Think i need a bigger programmer

    Try it....whats the worst that could happen:roflmao
  22. D

    Cleaning engine?

    Very True! the cap for filling the PS has a vent hole in it. Its best not to get water in there
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    New here, pics of truck :)

    welcome to SDD. Sweet lookin truck ya got there!:thumbs
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    recomendations on towing

    gauges are #1 so you can monitor your temps and a programmer or chip to give you some extra power. Id look at the banks kit with the PDA. I'd also look at upgrading your trans if you plan on towing alot
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    I dont have one but they seem pretty solid and reputible