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  1. JLDickmon

    rant It was a dark and stromy night....

    Dura-Trac's or another set of those DynaPro's
  2. JLDickmon

    Question Got Tire Pressures ???

    I think he was saying it changed from 100 over the summer to -20 this week with the weather change.. I can tell when it's time to check mine.. I get over-run at the shop with "...can you check my tires? I have a low pressure indicator on.."
  3. JLDickmon

    99 lighting / electrical issues????sluggish???

    my guess would be Dave is close. If you flipped the PDC over, and that's what "caused the problem" it would be logical to assume that the wiring to the PCM is loose, corroded, etc. I think I'd start by doing what Dave said, then when I'm done, wiggle-pull-push-bend on the wiring loom and try...
  4. JLDickmon

    Im back!

    Hey 02! Welcome home.
  5. JLDickmon

    Oil pan issues..

    it's Pantazis' truck.. he sandblasted it then coated it with some epoxy stuff, and hooked a shop vac to the oil filler to pull negative pressure while it cured.. I haven't talked to him in about a week, so I can't tell you how it turned out..
  6. JLDickmon


  7. JLDickmon

    Been away for awhile, here's what's been happening

    Good to see you, Richard.. Congrats on the new truck; However I'm not real crazy about the way you went about it..
  8. JLDickmon

    Oil pan issues..

    have to unbolt the oil pump pickup. that's the part I was missing..
  9. JLDickmon

    Oil pan issues..

    someone refresh my memory.. There is a way to replace the oil pan on a 7.3 without putting the engine.. but I canna'e remember it..
  10. JLDickmon

    Help Needed wheel hub bearings

    14x2.0 or 14x1.5 12mm is an F150 lug
  11. JLDickmon

    Here it is

  12. JLDickmon

    Just back from 5 days in Texas...

    get your oil leak fixed?
  13. JLDickmon

    Just back from 5 days in Texas...

    where the heck were all the Powerstrokes? Everyone was driving a Dodge or a GM! Did the 6.4's kill it THAT bad?
  14. JLDickmon

    Help Needed Replacing 99 F350 SD seats with 07 F350 SD KR seats

    I work to dam much to spend the night here like I used to.. anyway, it's my understanding that the seats interchange up to 2010.
  15. JLDickmon

    No start???

    make sure the UVHC's are fully connected on both ends..
  16. JLDickmon

    Oil leak diagnosis

    Pedestal o- rings, hpx lines, about all I got..
  17. JLDickmon

    RV roof coating and repair

    Now you tell me. Hey! 4000th post!
  18. JLDickmon

    my birthday present

    I bet it ends up red..
  19. JLDickmon

    Happy Birthday 94f450sd

    Sorry I missed it, Rich.. Hope it was a good one!
  20. JLDickmon

    Happy Birthday Dogman!

    Happy Birthday, Dawg!
  21. JLDickmon

    Alternator replacement

    that's the way I would have done it..
  22. JLDickmon

    Anything exciting going on?

    156 channels, and not a stinking thing I feel like watching
  23. JLDickmon

    Happy Birthday Tail_Gunner

    Happy Birthday, Kent! Hope it was a good one!
  24. JLDickmon

    Anything exciting going on?

    I want a Pedro Cerrano Indians jersey, but all I can find is the cheap t-shirt versions..