If you want to hand it down. Any 1911 is the way to go, they have been around for almost a hundred years. They are the most copied and custom built weapon. IHO :thumbs
Almost forgot I have a Colt 1911 and love it!
The Power steering needs to be vacuum bled to remove all the air.
You can do it yourself.
1. Get an old power steering cap
2. Drill an 3/16" hole through the cap.
3. Install a short piece of tubing and epoxy it into place.
4. Start engine.
5. Use a vacuum pump to create a slight...
I have four of these, they work great. They keep my motorcycle batteries topped up. I have one installed on a gas powered golf cart to keep it charged for more than 2 years no problems.
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Most of time a clicking relay means that it doesn't have enough battery current to close and keep closed the relay contacts. Clean the battery terminals then charge, then check the charging system. Hope this helps.
I just bit the bullet and installed the Dynatrac free spin hubs. No more hub problems and manual locking hubs. Plus I can get replacement bearings anywhere.
I did the Dynatrac kit last year when a hub failed. I just call Dynatrac and ordered it from them. Love the kit. Just one precaution, get new hub studs before you start and make sure to order the u-joints. I forgot and it cost me more to buy them from the parts store than Dynatrac.
Thanks for all the help. The torque converter is only about 2 year old. It doesn't sound that kind of noise. It sound more like one cylinder is knocking louder than the rest.
caissiel is right the mirror will bolt up with minor mods. If you get power mirrors they will work but you may have to make a connector adapter to hook them up. I have 05 mirrors on my 99. Had to use an adapter but they work, also added a switch and relay and now they are heated too.:goodluck Mike
My truck is making a rattling noise... Yes I know it's a diesel. It seems to be getting louder now that cold weather has hit in CA. OK not COLD but cold for here.
It goes away under heavy acceleration and very light throttle. Any Ideas?? Thanks for the help in advance. Mike :dunno
After having worked for Toyota for 20 years. The MR2 is the poor man's Porsche. It's fun, fast,and great handling. As for snow chains, no way, just leave it parked until summer. Enjoy it!
A good thing about evans coolant.
I run evans NGP+. The one thing know one has mentioned Evans. You can run the truck with a 0 psi radiator cap. NO MORE pressure related hose failures.
Just my :2c