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  1. Maxtor

    best wishes

    Happy Easter to you all. And thank you Jesus for making this all possible.
  2. Maxtor

    Bill Gates gets richer and richer...

    My main computer came with Vista, but with all the problems that Vista had in the beginning, I formated the hard drives and installed Windows xp. Now on my new laptop it has Vista, and I think I will leave it on, but the problem is that good ole Bill has made it troublesome to install Office...
  3. Maxtor

    Inverter generator for camper

    If you have a 15k a/c you need about 3.5k generator to start it up. 3k generator will not start our a/c We puchased two honda 2000i generators with the connecting cable to get 4k output.
  4. Maxtor

    Fuel Mileage?

    Now that diesel is over $4 per gallon, I wonder if it will hit $5 by summer. Looks like my timing is not so great on this summers trip, but oh well, it least we have fuel to purchase. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Easter.
  5. Maxtor

    fuel prices: more stupidity

    Rich's plight kind of puts all this into prospective. Fuel prices are nothing when facing the grim reaper. Life is precious, enjoy every day.
  6. Maxtor

    When it rains...

    Wow Rich; I am glad that they caught it in time. Every day is a blessing. Be strong for your wife and family. They need you. You will be in our prayers, on this very special weekend. :sweet
  7. Maxtor

    WILL THIS FIT.....?

    Only in the F350 long bed version. :D
  8. Maxtor

    fuel prices: more stupidity

    Hey Bush; Sounds like a plan...:D
  9. Maxtor

    fuel prices: more stupidity

    Prices for Diesel are $3.93 to $4.30 per gallon today. On average it is over $4.16 per gallon. Looks like our trip is going to be a costly one for fuel. Last year, I figured it would cost around $3,000 now it looks like over $4,000 and by summer it might be $5,000 for fuel to take the trip...
  10. Maxtor

    Can police ignore accidents if they're off duty?

    Many years ago when I was a cop, I was off duty going home and stopped at a store. I was in uniform. A guy came up to me and told me that he just saw a car crash about a 1/4 mile away from the store. I went to the scene of the accident and rendered help to the accident victims. When you are a...
  11. Maxtor

    Fuel Mileage?

    Speed (wind resistance) works against good mpg. As what has been written before, if you drive around 1800 rpm, you will normally get your best mpg. 70-80 mph is not good for getting your best mpg.. 50-60 is. That is on level ground empty. most people would go nuts driving that slow, but not us...
  12. Maxtor


    Red; If you are going to tow or haul anything, I would not go lower than 3.55s 3.73 is a all around good gear for towing and mpg. another way to say it is: 3.73 is good for towing and ok for mpg. 3.55 is good for mpg and ok for towing 3.08 is good for mpg and sucks for towing.
  13. Maxtor

    Is it close to spring?

    Yes, it is spring here, with all the trees in blossom, but just wait, in July we will be at 110 degrees and you will be enjoying the spring like weather.
  14. Maxtor

    Economy stimulus

    We will keep a running thread with pictures of places and people we meet. Hopefully it will include many of you.
  15. Maxtor

    Hard times for some.

    You are exactly right. :clap: That is why some of us older folks tend to hoard some things, especially food. I did not experience the hard times of the depression, but was first hand to the effects to those around me. It was drummed into my head to save, save, save. 20 years ago when we paid...
  16. Maxtor

    Economy stimulus

    We did our part today, buy purchasing a new laptop and movie recorder. The technology has grown by leaps and bounds. We needed them for our upcoming trip, to send you guys emails and pictures. :D
  17. Maxtor

    Hard times for some.

    It sounds like most of you have low or no payments, which is a good thing. Paying the high fuel bills is a lot better when you do not have payments or the payments are low. We have to believe that things will get better in the near future.
  18. Maxtor

    Hard times for some.

    I know that some of you are thinking about selling your PSD because of the high diesel prices, and faltering economy, so I just wondered what is the average monthly payment for your trucks. I hope that none of you have to sell your truck, but I understand that because of our economy and some job...
  19. Maxtor

    finally got me a car!!

    It always feels good to purchase a new or used vehicle. :sweet
  20. Maxtor

    Just got an an '06 .....

    33,000 miles on your 06 :eek: It's about worn out. :lmao I just passed 11,000 on ours. You might need a replacement engine with that high of mileage. :D
  21. Maxtor

    what morning NOT to fly...

    On the Wildcat website, a guy was outside Atlanta where thay had extreme hail. His PSD has the windshield broken and over 100 dents in his truck, and 5th wheel has the skylights broken out. Must be some extreme weather back in the Southeast. If you look at our avatar, that is what the weather...
  22. Maxtor

    Washed the truck.

    I finally washed the truck today and took a picture, and by luck, caught my son "Luke" in the background looking out the window while I was taking the picture. :lmao
  23. Maxtor

    Lets see those SuperDuty Trucks!! (OFFICIAL PICTURE THREAD)

    I finally felt like washing the truck. Only things not factory are: Mud flaps tail gate in bed fuel tank spray in bed liner tinted windows
  24. Maxtor

    Ready high winds last weekend!!!!

    Typical Santa Ana winds. I have seen 75 mph winds in the desert around Palmdale and Victorville.
  25. Maxtor

    Just got an an '06 .....

    Congratulations... 06 was a good year for the PSD.