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  1. B

    6.0 upgrades

    Highly suggest going with Cat heavy duty ELC coolant.{campaign}&adgroup={adgroup}&keyword=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoYmWgKH08gIVX21vBB3fYg0EEAQYAiABEgLGw_D_BwE Shell makes several Rotella ELC heavy duty coolants that are ok also. You can not pick a...
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    6.0 upgrades

    IMO the stock fuel system is fine. No need for a regulated return system (other than the OEM regulated return system) unless you have some high horsepower (ie larger injectors). If you don't mind posting it, whose injectors did you get (because I TOTALLY agree with your assessment that there...
  3. B

    Coolant all over

    tee into one of the small coolant hoses that ties into the degas bottle. Add 15 psi of air pressure to the degas bottle and look for leaks.
  4. B

    6.0L Bible

    2003.25 2004 6.0L Updated Coffee Table Book.pdf 2005 6.0L Updated Coffee Table Book.pdf 2005 running changes - update...
  5. B

    2005 6.0 FICM(new Power Board)

    Where are you measuring Amps, or is it really Volts that you are measuring. What tool are you using to troubleshoot with? Where did you get the power board? Did you specifically try a new FICM relay? If so, what was the relay number? Are you sure that all three FICM connectors "snapped"...
  6. B

    Fuel in the oil

    As stated on the Org forum ...... An upper injector o-ring is the most common way. That said, it can occur from an internal o-ring (the "body o-ring") in the injector failing as well. This just isn't as common as the external upper o-ring, IMO anyway. Lastly, an injector can dump excess fuel...
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    Help Needed ICP no power

    I wonder what that meter had to say .......
  8. B

    Help Needed ICP no power

    To help in your troubleshooting ...... FOR 05 and UP - With the ICP connector facing away from you (looking at the back of the connector) and the connector lock tab down: The wire on top is a sensor monitor or signal wire (dark blue / light green) - goes to PCM connector C1381C (center...
  9. B

    SUGRING 6.0

    Come on man - post an update!!
  10. B

    SUGRING 6.0

    Also, check the ICP sensor connector for oil. Usually it is the earlier model year sensor that leaks, but the late ones can do it also.
  11. B

    2003 Glow Plug Harness Trials

    Glad it is resolved! When you have been helped, hit the "like" button. Especially for a "regular" like DaveBen who gave you the actual resistance values!
  12. B

    Truck surges on startup from cold, fine after running a few minutes

    I believe that there is a glow plug protection strategy that turns them off above a certain voltage. I haven't seen it documented, but I have seen it posted in one of the several 6.0L forums.
  13. B

    2003 Glow Plug Harness Trials

    Please post the misfire code number. Have you checked the resistance on each glow plug wire? On each of the glow plugs?
  14. B

    6.0 running rough, no throttle, no hot start

    Thanks for updating! You have sure been through a lot of issues in the last 3 months, but (as I posted previously) good job sticking with it and not getting (overly) frustrated! Injectors are expensive and because of it, hard to pull the trigger on. A person really needs the dealership IDS...
  15. B

    Question Hard cold start

    The glow plug operation is NOT connected to the glow plug light. The glow plugs will continue to operate for a time period (dependent on oil temp, etc) up to two minutes after the light goes off.
  16. B

    6.0 running rough, no throttle, no hot start

    You can get OEM remans on-line at AutoNation White Bear Lake (a dealership) for around $180 each. Not sure where the best price is for the new Pure Power injectors. They will be a little more IIRC.
  17. B

    6.0 running rough, no throttle, no hot start

    It sounds right to me, but I always have to remind folks how hard it is to diagnose things without actually having the truck "in hand". That said, low fuel pressure, inadequate flow, or air will quickly ruin all injectors.
  18. B

    6.0 running rough, no throttle, no hot start

    When you have an injector leaking combustion gas, it usually takes out all the injectors on that side. It would seem that at a minimum you need all new injectors on the passenger side. If they have very many miles on them, then it would be wise to do all 8.
  19. B

    6.0 running rough, no throttle, no hot start

    Warren Diesel has had their share of problems w/ their injectors. That said, they stick by their warranty and have good customer service. For me, I will stick to Ford remans or the "new OEM" Pure Power injectors.
  20. B

    Question Hard cold start

    Hopefully you are using a 5W40 or 10W30 oil in 45 degrees or below. 15W40 oils can cause stiction issues at low temps. That said, glow plug problems are usually VERY dependable about throwing codes when they have issues. Could be a FICM issue, could even be a battery voltage issue. Might...
  21. B

    6.0 running rough, no throttle, no hot start

    Fixing the air in the fuel is the first priority for sure. Sometimes the filter o-rings are the culprit, sometimes it is the WIF plug o-ring, and sometimes the fuel pump itself. Those would be my first choice in troubleshooting. If your fuel level in the tank is above 1/4, then it would be...
  22. B

    6.0 running rough, no throttle, no hot start

    You can always have a logic board failure in the FICM, and that is what it looks like to me. can test it. IIRC it is $75. They are honest and won't sell you on repairs that aren't needed.
  23. B

    6.0 running rough, no throttle, no hot start

    P0046: Code P0046 is set when a short to ground, open, or short to power is identified in the VGTCV or wiring between the PCM and VGTCV. This circuit is a continuously monitored circuit that takes less than 1 second to set. First thing to do is to verify that the VGT actuator is fully plugged...
  24. B

    6.0 running rough, no throttle, no hot start

    You are doing just fine. You have found numerous issues. Look at it this way, it was sort of amazing that it was "hanging in there" with all you had going on. Afterall, the issues you have described/found just didn't happen in the last few days/weeks (IMO anyway).

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