Ford tests their trucks in all climates from the brutally hot to below freezing temps so i will have to disagree. As for the body, any region that uses salt in the winter to melt ice and snow will rot your truck if u don't clean it
My grandfather's 04 had similar symptoms when towing his camper - Brought it to a Dealer and they said that it needed a turbo - Replaced the turbo and about 10mi from the dealership it started doing it again, turnedd out to be a plugged egr valve all along...
The 6.0L doesn't have nearly as many problem's as people thinknwhen left stock - Alot of the people telling u to stay away from them have never actually owned one. They just have to be maintained and driven. When people say that they have had like 4 sets of HG it makes me think that they had...
Sorry, i missed that he wanted to change the grille too :doh:, Grille will NOT fit with that Bumper without cutting - I couldn't bring myself to cut up a new grille, i would break down and buy the bumper - will look better in the end in my opinion.
97 was the last year for an E40D in the F250/350/SD series - Last of the OBS Fords - The C6 was my favorite, Took longer to get going and didn't have the extra gear But, held up alot better.
For 7K that don't sound too bad - Even though the 7.3 is rugged, 239K is on the higher side for mileage - are you going to use this truck as just a daily driver or is it going to be a work truck? If it is anything like here in MA they use alot of salt on the roads in the winter which will rot...