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  1. Tail_Gunner

    starting issues

    That was one of the things I was thinking. The others: HPOP pressure output while cranking Fuel pump functioning and putting out pressure
  2. Tail_Gunner

    Happy Birthday JLDickmon!

    Have a good one. Have a Leinenkugel on me!! :Birthday 7
  3. Tail_Gunner

    driveshaft carrier bearing ?'s

    They must have changed the driveshaft after they built mine. :dunno There was no mistaking that nut. It took a 3/4" socket set and a BIG breaker bar with a 5' cheater on the end. I'm guessing it took ball park of 400ft/lbs to break it loose. I almost broke my work bench doing so. Oh...
  4. Tail_Gunner

    Help Needed Had the column apart yet?

    I did that turn signal mod thing a while back that was supposed to get put into the WIKI. I did a thread with pics and a write-up. While I didn't go that deep into the column, it should give you a good start.
  5. Tail_Gunner

    ac clutch is weak??

    My AC was cutting out when I would romp on the go pedal. I tought it might be the compressor stopping momemtarily. I got a refridgerent recharge kit from Advance auto parts and it did the trick. I'm lucky enough to live in a state that allows the retail sale of the enviromentally safe...