Search results

  1. Tail_Gunner

    Steering Slop Revisited

    Look at the control arm that is attached to the steering gear box. Attached to the arm is a thing that looks like a tie-rod end, then an adjuster sleeve and then a long rod that is goes to the far end of the tie rod near the right steering knuckle. One auto parts website refers to the entire...
  2. Tail_Gunner

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Powerboatr

    Wow!! Another BD for Robert!!! :pb That must mean dirt's BD is sometime next week. :tounge:lmao :Birthday 4
  3. Tail_Gunner

    Steering Slop Revisited

    For the last 9 months or so, I've been working towards getting rid of a significant amount of slop or freeplay in the steering. I started with the ball joints since they are the "cornerstone" of the steering. Any changes made elsewhere are pointless if they are loose. Mine had over 120,000...
  4. Tail_Gunner

    Ball joints, grease zerks

    Old post of mine about 90* zerks and ball joints.
  5. Tail_Gunner


    Geez, How boring is that!!!!:D
  6. Tail_Gunner

    2002 7.3 Coolant Temp runs hot with load

    I've never heard of a radiator problem on a 7.3. Did you have any over heat problems prior to replacing the t-stat? I suspect your "new" t-stat might be bad and possibly not fully opening. Especially if it's a generic brand, I've had problems with Autozone parts before. I'll 2nd the...
  7. Tail_Gunner

    best camper...I know...can of worms....

    "$10k or less"--That's gonna be a tad difficult on a new unit, used will be easier. "full bath"--Tha's gonna be open to interpretation. On a 18'-20' unit, a "full bath" is going to be more like a small closet with a small toilet, sink, and a SMALL tub/shower only good for someone under 5'10"...
  8. Tail_Gunner

    Injector removal with pics

    There is an article in the WIKI on how to do it on an OBS. There isn't a lot of difference in doing it on a Superduty. When I did mine, I removed the back injector on each side first. That concentrated the drained oil into the two rear cylinders making it easier to suck out later. I used a...
  9. Tail_Gunner

    Transmission Cooler HELP

    It won't "bolt-in" 100%. It will take some modification of the trans cooler lines to get things plumbed. The cooler mounting should be a "bolt-in". You can always take a picture of the 6.0 cooler in the 7.3 truck and show it to the Ford guy as proof he is "glaringly incorrect" and "a donkey...
  10. Tail_Gunner

    Transmission Cooler HELP

    One possible point I have not seen mentioned yet is the possiblity of improper installation of the trans cooler. How the cooler is mounted can affect its efficiency due to how effectively it fills with fluid. If the inlet & outlet are on the bottom, its possible to get an air bubble in...
  11. Tail_Gunner

    no air condition

    IMHO x2 We had a GMC mini van a few years back w/ front & rear AC. One day both the f & r quit blowing cold. They somehow figured the rear orifice tube was bad and crimped the tubing to the rear part of the system. (The cost of repair was insane.) Once they did that, the front started...
  12. Tail_Gunner

    building a regulated return

    It goes on the return line. It is basically a relief valve. It dumps back to the tank any fuel pressure in excess of what ever pressure value you have it set for.
  13. Tail_Gunner

    Ever feel you overpaid for a college class?

    I took the welding class only for personal and professional "enhancement". It was no way required by the aircraft maintenance progrmam I'm in. While the welding class had to be little more difificult than than bowling 101 or archery 101, the aircraft maintenance program I'm in is anything but...
  14. Tail_Gunner

    Ever feel you overpaid for a college class?

    I hear ya. If I can't get in at American, it's likely we'll be leaving da U.P. There is only one other possibilty at the airport, that being a small FBO. From what I gather, they don't hire A&P graduates, only experienced. There are a lot of opportunites for an A&P, just not U.P. here...
  15. Tail_Gunner

    Ever feel you overpaid for a college class?

    I just finished my 1st year in A&P school. I'm hoping to get in with American Airlines at Sawyer IAP (formerly KI Sawyer Air Force base). What company do you work for? A FBO or an airline maintenance base? You can PM me if you prefer.
  16. Tail_Gunner

    Ever feel you overpaid for a college class?

    Yep, something like $275 per semester hour for a 4 semester hour class. :rant
  17. Tail_Gunner

    Ever feel you overpaid for a college class?

    I took my last quiz yesterday for my basic welding class I've been taking for the last 5 weeks or so. The final is next week. The tuition for the class is based on the 4 semester hours credit for the class. This is how things have transpired: The only day the instructor took attendance...
  18. Tail_Gunner

    driveshaft carrier bearing ?'s

    Nothing taken from ur comments, just discussing. We're still good.:sauced
  19. Tail_Gunner

    driveshaft carrier bearing ?'s

    I'm thinking wheel base and/or the off center angle from the tranny to the rear diff.. My thoughts are if it came with a 2 pc driveshaft, don't replace it with a single piece. If BTS says "don't do it", then I ain't gonna. He's far more knowledgeable & experienced than I am, so it isn't up...
  20. Tail_Gunner

    Hooray, it works!

    It's good to see you back around Richard!!
  21. Tail_Gunner

    driveshaft carrier bearing ?'s

    Brian @ Brian's Truck Shop does not recommend doing that. When I last visited him, he told me that he has seen many trannys with the tail shaft housing broken due to 1pc driveshafts. It's a quick cure that can lead to a worse problem later on.
  22. Tail_Gunner

    We grow are GATORS BIG!!

    Instead of just "No Swimming" they should read: NO SWIMMING VIOLATORS MAY BE EATEN!!!
  23. Tail_Gunner

    T.G's new career possibility

    Didn't work for me either.
  24. Tail_Gunner

    no start after DP tuner install

    I've heard of that one happening to other folks too.