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  1. 95_stroker

    Aux Switches

    Here is the article Richard is referring to. Thanks for the great write up Richard. ;)
  2. 95_stroker


    Welcome JR.
  3. 95_stroker

    Update Pop goes the Weasel

    Looks like I am in for a set of HG's. Some of you might remember me commenting back in August that when I was towing the TT up the divide I could smell coolant slightly. Well, the problem has manifested itself and I have also been experiencing some hard cold start issues recently so I made an...
  4. 95_stroker

    New Tranny Being Built

    Whats the verdict on the new tranny Justin?
  5. 95_stroker

    Boost Question

    These V-8 diesels like to spin fast. If towing keep your RPMs up in order to keep your boost up and EGT's down.
  6. 95_stroker

    smoky starting

    You can ohm out the glow plugs with your DVOM. Good plugs will have about .2 ohms resistance, bad ones will either be open or over 1.0 ohms. EBPV sensor tube comes off the bottom of the right (pass side) exhaust manifold and runs up to the front of the engine to the sensor. Its a common place...
  7. 95_stroker

    Newbie wannabe powerstroke owner

    Welcome to SDD, its interesting to get someones perspective from overseas. Glad to have you here with us.
  8. 95_stroker

    new guy

    Welcome Z, we can help make your truck as fast as your pockets are deep. :D
  9. 95_stroker

    New Guy

    Welcome JP, glad to have you.
  10. 95_stroker

    New Owner! First 6.4L

    Welcome, how do you like the 6.4 so far?
  11. 95_stroker

    Newbie New member looking for input

    Welcome to SDD. These guys will lead you in the right direction. All you have to do is ask.
  12. 95_stroker

    Help Needed 4x4 issues....

    Yup, sounds like something is locked up in that differential. Have you had a chance to look at it yet?
  13. 95_stroker

    High Idle mod?

    My 06 idles up to about 1100 after sitting for about 5 minutes.
  14. 95_stroker

    Question Does anyone use Z-Max?

    $22.00 per quart? Snake oil is cheaper. ;)
  15. 95_stroker

    char broils infared fryer

  16. 95_stroker

    Stopped to top off tank, now no start

    First and foremost, get that fuel leak resolved and see if that fixes the no-start. Secondly, do you have the ability to get a scanner on that thing and see what your HPOP pressure is? I'm wondering if you didnt experience a coincidental failure at the time of the fill up.
  17. 95_stroker


    Pour it in the tank Stephen.
  18. 95_stroker

    Question acending/decending post date

    UserCP>Edit Options>Thread Display Options>Linear Oldest First
  19. 95_stroker


    Give it a try Stephen, see what kind of results (if any) you get with it.
  20. 95_stroker

    turbo surge???

    What exactly is it you are after here? To be able to put on a smoke show or ? Uhh, you cant "unplug" a turbo. Its not an electrical or electronic device, it is an exhaust gas driven compressor that stuffs air into the engine. I dont really know what Dodge boys "smoke switch" was in the...
  21. 95_stroker

    Question What would be better for my truck exhaust wise?

    The turbo is where the back pressure is created at on a turbo diesel engine, after it leaves the turbo the open atmosphere is your friend. With that said, 5" is alot of exhaust and unless you are planning on 500 horse you dont need it, but there is a certain amount of "cool factor" in having it.
  22. 95_stroker


    Same same....
  23. 95_stroker



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