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  1. A

    DP tuner installed

    thanks - it is a homemade job, but I had picture to go from that another member had posted. DW
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    DP tuner installed

    The F5 chip is installed. A few pics of the mounting. I would give proper credit to the man I copied it from, but I can not find the post with his screen name in it. The new tunes are great! David
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    fuel pressure regulator shim kit

    thanks, I may take you up on that. I do not have a fuel pressure gauge that goes over 60psi. I might wait till my next "mileage expense" check and do the regulated return too. DW
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    fuel pressure regulator shim kit

    What are the benefits of adding this to my cuurent system? I understand better throttle response and such, but is this still true after chipping the truck? Thanks, David
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    Need advice on Tires

    Chief2, I am running Michilen LTX and love them so far. Good wear at 10,000 miles so far and little road noise. David

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