actually if you see a 15 degree split during nomal driving the cooler is an issue , even the newest ford flash wil set a code at that threshold ,, mine was at 15 plus and I pretty much made ford change mine out
if I took the time to list the $ vs repair out of pocket cost for the potential issues I think you would re think this deal
You could save a lot more trading in your diesel for a small gasser for now IMHO
but be forewarned a 6.0 injector is 300$ before it is installed
mine had $6000.00...
Ahh I never heard the term,, I even goggled it to see what else it may be other than a fabric .. makes sense the fabric is bumpy also
thx I was afraid someone was getting run over lol
I would think you would be so upside down on your 2010 that you should keep it? plus you will be out of Warranty on a 6.0 as most have expired so 1 repair bill may sink you
the tanks and pick up are the same for the 6.0 so I don't see why it's wouldn't work ?
I don't know if it would actually hep anything? Welcome to guzzle's In-tank Hutch Mod Web Page