Recent content by powerstoked

  1. powerstoked

    Oil in intercooler piping.

    Install an oil catch can. Same issue with 7.3. Replaced my boost tube boots with thicker aftermarket ones and replaced Intercooler with a larger capacity one and added a catch can to keep everything oil free including the turbo charger
  2. powerstoked

    Truck Shudder when towing

    Just re-read the original question and saw it also happens when not towing. So....... as Gilda Radner use to say, never mind.
  3. powerstoked

    Truck Shudder when towing

    The rear end clutch should only slips when truck is in a turn or if one wheel has way more grip than the other in hard acceleration, so my thinking is that would not be the problem. I'm wondering if the trailer brakes are not fully releasing after the last time brake was applied. Maybe surge...
  4. powerstoked

    wrapping up pipes and turbo

    I wrote in an earlier response on a post about replacing pedestal o-rings. I had said that I wrapped my new replacement bellowed up pipes, downtube and after cooler boost tube. This is to keep the pipes hot to keep exhaust gas moving fast. I wrapped the boost tube to keep engine heat at bay...
  5. powerstoked

    Turbo pedestal leak

    Not so bad. Some manual dexterity required to bolt to exhaust manifold from underneath. I thought remounting turbo to collector was harder. First prefit the collector that comes with the bellowed tubes to make sure it fits properly. Don't tighten the up pipes until you get the turbo on the...
  6. powerstoked

    Turbo pedestal leak

    I would recommend replacing leaky up pipes with bellowed ones. I also put on a Wicked Wheel, High pressure oil crossover line, fuel return line, manifold reinforcing ring, new manifold and boost tube boots and clamps. I also wrapped the up pipes, downpipe and post intercooler boost tube with...
  7. powerstoked

    Exhaust ?

    first, this will be illegal with a hefty fine if pulled over and checked. If I was to go that route I would definitely go big, as you want to let the gas out fast. I have a LB Crewcab so the added length creates more pressure. I also fiberglass wrapped my up pipes and down pipe to help speed up...
  8. powerstoked

    Check your HPX Lines!

    Riffraff makes a great stainless unit with perfect bends to clear pedestal. Install on my 2002.
  9. powerstoked

    I just installed a Stainless Steel HPX from Riffraff. Easy install after removing manifold...

    I just installed a Stainless Steel HPX from Riffraff. Easy install after removing manifold. Perfect bends to clear everything

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