Recent content by katarski

  1. K

    trucks not starting, keeps blowing the 30 amp gpr fuse

    i'll give it a shot this arfternoon. thanks pat
  2. K

    trucks not starting, keeps blowing the 30 amp gpr fuse

    bjs, i have number 26 on the underside of the cover, is this what you mean. thanks, joe
  3. K

    trucks not starting, keeps blowing the 30 amp gpr fuse

    i keep blowing the 30 amp gpr (glow plug relay) fuse. i have already tried disconnecting all 4 harnesses from the top of the valve covers, replaced the fuse, tried to start again and once again, POP goes the fuse. does anybody have any other ideas? where is my fuel heater? i hear thats on...
  4. K

    30 amp gp fuse keeps burning out

    thats even better thinking. thank you very much.
  5. K

    30 amp gp fuse keeps burning out

    figures, that was the only answer that i wasn't looking for. i need to bend some socket extensions just to get to that last valve cover bolt. (pass. side) thank you though.
  6. K

    30 amp gp fuse keeps burning out

    hey guys, i need help again. i think im looking for the right stuff again. my 30 amp gp fuse keeps burning out again and its too cold for her to get started. besides just looking at all 4 valve cover harnesses( for anything burnt), what else could i check or should i be looking for...
  7. K

    fuel mileage

    do you have any kind of a hissing sound, especially when you lightly take your foot off of the accelerator pedal?
  8. K

    i need a trans, can any one help

    hey guys, my buddy's trans is overheating and now its acting funny while shifting. he needs to shift his automatic trans into 1st in order to get it to start rolling, and so on. this is the fourth one that were looking for. 4r100 sounds familiar(i think that is what is in it now)...
  9. K

    96 clutch fan wrench size???

    thanks crumm, i appreciate it.
  10. K

    96 clutch fan wrench size???

    he guys, i need to know the exact size of the clutch fan nut that i need to remove the clutch fan from the water pump. i did the best i could using a tape measure to get the reading of 1 7/8". does anyone out there know if this is a definite? or should i be looking for something metric...
  11. K

    Shop Manual for 96 F-350 7.3PSD

    i picked up my haynes manual for the 96 ford f350 deisel from pep boys.(the pocal parts store around here like rs strauss, advance auto, napa)
  12. K

    starts and stalls 4 times in morning

    arrowstrap - i'll try that, that seems to be a good possibility. it runs rough with check engine light on when its cold only. got diesel - dieselpwrdredneck - the only way to check a cps is to replace it with a new one right? action4478 - whats the ipr and how is it checked and where's...
  13. K

    starts and stalls 4 times in morning

    hillbilly - i could be letting it warm up a little better, but even though, stalling is not normal when i'm on the interstate already (warmed up). gotdeisel - temp outside in the morning is 27 degrees farenheight. fuel filter was changed 1 week and 2 days ago (made sure that was tight). i...
  14. K

    starts and stalls 4 times in morning

    the past 3 days the temperature outside has dropped considerably. 1. i don't plug the truck in at night yet. 2. i start the truck and it runs rough to my first stall. 3. i get it going again, then attempt to drive, 100 feet away, i stall. 4. starts again, start driving, it bucks and...

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