SDD Junior Member
I just replaced the engine 
Thanks JL. How would "fuel desired" impact the issue? Fuel desired is also dropping or is slow to go up on acceleration. Is there any way to isolate 1-2 injectors and the IDM? Really trying to get this narrowed down this weekend.
Pulled the grey CPS and put the black one back in. Also removed chip. Ran CCT and failed on #3 and #7 three times. Pulled injectors and swapped #3 and #1, #7 and #5, ran CCT and #1 failed. Lots of air still in the HPOS. I'll take it for a good drive tomorrrow.
Fuel desired will fluctuate between .60 and .98 during the miss between 2400 and 2500 rpm. Seems to only happen after reving it or after KOER.
Put the new dark grey IH CPS in came up with CCT failures on #2 and #8. Went in and swapped them around. Also cleaned the IPR since I had everything opened up. Can't get anything else to fail. I'll get all the air out tomorrow and I'll see what happens.