Does this sound like water in fuel?


CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Da U.P. there is probably 6-8 gallons left....

I had to look back a ways, but here is an excerpt from an old post of mine from a couple years ago:

Several years ago, as I started getting below a 1/2 tank, the engine started getting significantly louder. As it got closer to 1/4 it started running rough and eventually quit all together. It was almost like I ran out of fuel, but I had a hair over 1/4 tank. I put some more fuel into it and got it running again. Once I got it home, I drained and dropped the tank and opened it up. I pulled the pickup assembly out and when I went to grab the black pickup foot, it fell off in my hand. It was so loose, it would suck air around the top where it was pressed on to the assembly when the fuel level in the tank got low enough.

I then figured that this was a good time to do the "Hutch" pickup mod I had read so much about. I haven't had any fuel delivery problems since.
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Full Access Member
Jan 27, 2006
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Brunswick, GA
hey tailgunner,
heres the latest. I rode back over to meet the tow truck driver (about 2 1/2 hrs later) and what do you know my truck fires right up like normal and I was even able to drive it up on his tow truckbed, I called dad later and hesaid that when it got to his shop that it actedperfectly normal. I guess my question is when your pickup on the fuel tank was sucking air did it do it all the time or would it only occasionally do it. I am going over there today to drive truck around and try to get it to start acting up but I was going to take a 5 gallon can of diesel with me so that when it acted up I could throw some in the tank to see if it would remedy the situation and we can pin down the prob. By the way it only seems like it wants to act up when the engine is warm or has been running as it acts fine after a few hrs(anything to this?)


CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
Apr 11, 2005
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Da U.P.
...I guess my question is when your pickup on the fuel tank was sucking air did it do it all the time or would it only occasionally do it.

It was one time. Since it started running better after I put more fuel in the tank, I knew pretty well where to look. If it is a fuel system air sucking thing, it should be pretty consistant with problems begining at about the same point when fuel level drops in the tank. There is a possiblity that the fuel hose "quick disconnectors" between the tank and fuel pump might suck air. Those Q.D's work better under pressure than they do in a suction application. The fix for that was to just remove the hose with the Q.D.'s and replace it with a fuel hose and hose clamps.

By the way it only seems like it wants to act up when the engine is warm or has been running as it acts fine after a few hrs(anything to this?)
The most common running issue that is temperature related is the Under Valve Cover (UVC) wireharness connectors. There is a double ended wire harness connector that is a part of the valve cover gasket. There is a wire harness that plugs into that connector on the outside and another under the valve cover. The problem that sometaimes occurs is the connector under the valve cover partially comes apart. Being partially apart, it makes intermittant contact. That intermittant contact often being dependent on whether it's warm or cold, i.e. hot motor or cold motor. This was common enough of a problem, that Ford came out with some little plastic clips or wedges that lock the connectors halves together.


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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:dunno TG, dcathy (all) ? From doing the "Hutch Mod" on these trucks.. I've conjured up a little pump to drain the tanks down as low as possible.. before dropping the tanks.

I've always been surprised at how much AIR spurts out, in the form of bubbles and foam... in last 3 to 4 gallons. And then.. how many "Duck Bills" fall off when I lift the OEM pick-up assemblies out.

Y'allz call but if you haven't done, or don't wana do the Fuel Pump Fitting & Tank Mods ? If you Fill Up at a halfa tank, you might be able to prevent some of these Buck'n Snort, Noisy, Low Power issues... at lower fuel levels ?

:dunno Kindofa Duh but.. Try It ?

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Full Access Member
Aug 27, 2006
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Glasgow ,Ky
Yea, look at the top of the page at the crank shaft senser wright ups. Have you had the CPS recall done yet? It won`t take long to change the CPS & see if the problem goes away.


Full Access Member
Jan 27, 2006
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Brunswick, GA
no i havent, my truck is now an hr away. will the ford place give me the cps recall kit without installing it?


Full Access Member
Jan 27, 2006
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Brunswick, GA
ok recent updates and I think I need more advice. My dad changed the CPS sensor and I got my truck back a while back and when I first got it it would shut off at random times and then I would fire back up and be fine. Then I staretd noticing on rainy or very damp days that it would do it. Like I was coming back home on the highway and a rain shower started and not 5 mins later I got a hitch and then serv eng light came on. It quit raining and I pulled over, restarted and everything was fine. Today I was getting low on fuel and on way home truck started running rough, I mean very sluggish and very shaky. I got it home checked oil......a little low, added some oil ran to gas station added fuel and it is better but it still has a shudder. So you think something is up with CPS again? I may take it to dealer and let them change it out to see whats goin on, any suggestions???

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