how do i quote more then once to a reply in one post....for some reason i seem to have forgotten....

how do i quote more then once to a reply in one post....for some reason i seem to have forgotten........
how do i quote more then once to a reply in one post....for some reason i seem to have forgotten........
With this current rev of vBulletin you cant quote more than one reply in the same post. We are going to update to the more recent version soon and when we do you will see an additional button in the lower right corner of the post that will look like the quill on paper with a "+" sign in it, that will be the multi-quote feature.
If others are quoting more than one, and it is possible, they are doing it the hard way by having two browsers open and copy/paste the quotes into the final text reply.
Hope that makes sense.
how do i quote more then once to a reply in one post....for some reason i seem to have forgotten........
i know about the quote button, but i noticed others can quote more then once in a reply and that is what i can`t seem to figure out....
makes sense now....thanks