Ford_Forgotton said:
They added a bunch of emissions related crap that gets fouled up from too much sulphur.
To be more specific, the sulphur binds itself to the catalysts inside the new particulate traps, renders them useless, and just generally causes hate and discontent
Things like particulate traps,
a 2-micron filter that is "regenerated" by an extra injector that shoots fuel onto the trap every so often (which could be ignited by a SPARK PLUG depending on the system. It is an absolute TRAVESTY!!!!) to burn off the soot that accumulates on it. These things are BIG and will probably be restrictive enough that it feels like you're driving around with your EBPV partially on everywhere you go. Wrong direction, IMHO. We need FUEL ECONOMY, not particulate traps.
and more aggressive EGR, and more cat converter stuff.
And VGT turbos and maybe even TWIN turbos in some cases, in order to keep air flowing at low boost to keep things clean.
While some of the 06 trucks have that too, its not to the degree that the new engines will have.
'07 spec require a 90% reduction in everything over the 06 spec, last I read. So everything is bigger, badder, more expensive to fix, and just generally a sour POS to work with, I'm sure.
My suggestion is if you HAVE to fill up with the new ULSD fuel,
which you will after Spetember or October, depending on your location.
add some diesel treatment. ULSD has almost no lubricity.
In untreated form, this is true, however, the refineries will be adding enough lubricity additives to teh fuel to meet ASTM specifications on injector wear, etc, so my guess is that you won't notice a difference in injector life, if they do what they are supposed to. However, adding lube is never a bad idea, and you can bet that "THEY" will only do the bare minimum
Mix some bio-Diesel in and that should help with lubricity also.
Some say 1% bio increases lubricity by as much as 60%. So adding bio is a good plan.