rray, those ag stations are a stand alone station. the officers have a cat walk, where they can look over into an open trailer that may be hauling ag. related goods.
about 3 or 4 miles down the road, there is a regular DOT station. ALL commmercial vehicles must go throught those stops, regardless of what you are hauling.
i went thru a small set of scales in mississippi one time up on hwy 72, headed back into AL, the officer and a few others were standing outside by the scales. when i pulled up on the scales to weight (and i was empty), they all looked at me like i was stupid, and had no business even pulling into their station.
needless to say, i never rolled into their station again.
i always go thru the big stations, but some of these rinky dinky scales are a joke. you have joe blow officer that eats dunkin donuts all day working in there, you dont know squat about DOT regs. the only reason he got the job is probably because his BIL is the sheriff or something.