OK, I'll throw my

in here too. I think dennis said the same thing, but there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the stock filter on the 6.0L. Sure, it's a pain to change the element (gets easier after a few times), but I would say (this was also said by a Donaldson rep on another site) that there is no filter that will do a better job cleaning the air going into your engine. This is one area that I would NEVER want to compromise on (being a diesel tech myself.) I also will note that Ford and/or dealers will be QUICK to void a warranty on a truck with an aftermarket intake, if there is an engine failure. Trust me, you don't want to buy one of these engines, I did once

. Do an exhaust if you want more flow, and a cooler running engine, but keep your filter stock. Your engine will thank you...
Oh, and I always tried to figure out the logic of a rechargeable filter. So you save on elements, you don't have to buy new ones every time (I'd rather have a new one every time, but that's just me) BUT, you do need to clean and re oil it. How long does that take?? Just guessing, half an hour?? You do need to wait for it to dry, so maybe an hour. I think the oem filters are 40 - $50.
Well, my pa always said that everyone knows how much their worth...
OK, maybe that was $2 not