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How much of a PITA is it to remove the passenger-side valve cover on a 7.3 PSD? If I end up having to replace my #8 injector after I install the ITP regulated return kit, I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to swap in a set of Beans Stage 1 squirters while I'm that far into it or just R/R #8 and leave things be. The driver's side VC seems like it's a piece of cake, since once the intake ductwork and IC tube are out, it's wide open but there seems to be some pretty tight clearances around the passenger side VC. I figure that while I've got the HPOP resevoir emptied and the high-pressure rails drained to change out #8, I might as well do the rest while the cores still have some value. I'd also change out the glow plugs, UVC harness, and VC gasket while I'm at it and the VC is off.