we saw this big boy in Cheyenne this summer
I to am a foamer
those big machines are some of the most gorgeous machines man has ever built
A little foaming is good. Somebody took some time on this one. The paint is in really nice shape. Most locomotive turn to rust pretty quick when they get stuffed and mounted.
Yep.. as a Pup, I remember when UP 4-8-4 #4449 was stored/on display at Oaks Park in Portland, Or.. there was a group of volunteers who kept him shined, painted squeaky clean.. Year 'Round. I usta do Go-Fer stuff for them.. just to be able to climb around on it.
Now.. he's pressured up quite often, and "On The Rails", "HighBall'n"... I've seen him a number of times on Fan trips through and around Oregon, Washington & Cali.
Brings back memories. Prolly where'n when I started Foaming ?

Had my road numbers sidewerds... 4449 NOT 8444 !! Still good memories of the 4449.
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