If you don't repair it yourself make sure you take it to a very reputable trans shop with extensive E4OD, 4R100W experience. There are front seal revisions they should know about. Ford and some aftermarket had a run of grey seal material seals that were a different formulation of seal material that didn't hold up. Occasionally I will get an aftermarket rebuild soft seal kit that still has one in it. I have been through this on my own vehicle. One day it left a puddle in my shop parking lot. I checked the fluid, it was still full, fluid wasn't burnt or anything like that, put the scanner on it drove it around, trans wasn't getting hot or showing any slippage condition, parked it back at the shop and it didn't leak any more, hooked up the trailer drove the piss out of it, and it still didn't leak any more, pulled the trans out anyway and sure enough it had the grey seal in it. I have never had any trouble with seals that have the orange seal material they look just like old 3spd auto front seals for GM, Chry, Ford for years and years. I haven't really heard why they tried the grey material, but it sure doesn't seem to work in my experiences. I have replaced several in customers trucks due to roughly the same conditions as mine.