Thoughts on this performance package? >>


SDD Junior Member
Jul 7, 2005
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My 06 SD PSD has about 6500 miles on it now, and I'm ready to do some performance mods. Right now a guy I know suggests the Edge w/ Attitude, Magaflow TB exhaust, and brickforce (or something "force") CAI. I know the Edge might not make the most power, but I really don't need the absolute maximum and am happy to sacrifice a bit for some reliability (and Edge is in my neighborhood), but I don't really know much about the exhaust or CAI. I use the truck mostly for towing and hauling toys on the weekends. Any input is greatly appreciated!

:burnit :thanks

(Mods: cross posted in 06 PSD forum for maximum replies, delete if necessary - thx)


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
want to keep your warranty?
If so
Add an exhaust MBRP or Magna flow, MBRP lets you keep the cat,
intakes for the 6.0 unless your going ape on HP the present set up is Darn good,

chips/tuners several out there that can be run to give you aded towing and eating ricers...... but it all goes back to "right now Ford aint playing with warranties" :( if you can afford to shell out for a new motor, then go ahead and chip or tune, lots of folks do and I believe 2006 is probably going to go down as a very good year for the 6.0.
some dealers are overly mod friendly and some are like the IRS. but it all boild down to the mother ship if they nix you your done all over the country.

we gained a 200-250 drop in egts with a 4" mbrp. left in the cat. MPG gained ????? I enjoy driving it to much :burnit :D
I do however now own rural property with tall grass, so the cats days are numbered. :D
sorry to rain on the parade, i just have to be the momentary voice of reason, before you get the BUG

I personally had tuned my last truck and loved the performance gain and just plain driving fun.....
four big rear tires smoking does alot for your :D :D :burnit

ranger boy

Banned User
May 1, 2005
Reaction score
i have the Edge J/A, MBRP 4" Duals, and an aFe Intake Stage I

Reliability: definently, it took some time getting the duals perfectly aligned, but they are awesome.

I definently recommend it in a second :sweet


Mar 31, 2006
Reaction score
MBRP is a great product for a great price IMO. Edge is a very good product, we sell lots of them, and have a very good success rate. Bullydog has something similar with the Tripledog and Outlook monitor, Banks has the 6-gun and power PDA. All of them are good products. I would go with the Edge system for the money and functions. It has the Turbo Timer built in it and that is a must have if you plan on HotRodding. Will save you lots of headaches. It has trany control and lots of neat stuff lol. For what you want I would suggest Edge. Intake systems are not a must have, but I did notice a big differance in the time it takes to spool up the turbo when I put mine on. The AFE systems are the most popular, but we have seen a rising trend in the AEM Brute Force system. It has the "No Oil Dryflow Synthetic Filter" Sounds like a great concept, but have not tried it yet. Alot of guys will tell you to leave the stock system on it. It is alot better than what has been designed in the past, but I think a new style system will help. but thats my 2 cents. I run one. Doesnt mean I'm right though lol.

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