death row inmate #7
well today i woke up to a phone call from my boss... she said that someone told the owner of the store that i've been stealing beer from the store!!!!
i just couldn't believe that i was being accused of stealing and was fired b/c someone lied to the owner. well it turns out that i know the kid that did it and he is the type of person who thinks he knows it all and if your like me and call his lies, then he doesn't like you much. after all that went on i went outside to fix my water pump and after i got it all back together i started it up and it still leaks coolant!!! it was coming from the top of the WP where the metal pipe bolts to the top of the WP. when i saw this i started tightening one of the bolts and it snapped!!!
i am taking a break from all the frustrations now. anyone know why it would leak from there??? i had the gasket for the thermostat in and i had the grey rtv on there too. i'm just confused. i am off to try to find another bolt now.