Senior Member
I don't know if any of you were aware of this or not, but it was certainly news to me....
I used to have a SCMT 1705 on there and it was pathetic at best. Recently, I sold it and picked up a diablo sport predator from one of the members on here and have been very pleased. Since I have had it in there (December 07), I have not returned it to the factory tune and have only changed tunes within it. Yesterday I went to modify a tune, and it would not let me do so becuase it said that the factory tune was not backed up or it had never been installed at all.
So, today I called up diablo sport (VERY NICE and VERY HELPFUL guy named Mike) and explained to him the situation. He walked me through the process of forcing the factory tune back on to the truck and said to fire it up. When I did this, the truck went HAYWIRE!!! It revved up and approached WOT if I had not cut it off, barreled out black smoke, terrible valve clatter, turbo was spinning...just a cluster $%^.
Long story short, he called up his tech and got back to me and informed me that the superchip I had on there before CORRUPTED the factory program!! He said that superchips have been notorious for doing this in the past and that when the predator loads it, it recognizes it as being a corrupted file. When you go and try and load it up to the truck, it just makes it go haywire becuase its all messed up. Luckily, the predator has all of the factory programs on there in a password protected portion that allowed me to write over my factory program with this one.
She runs like a champ now, but was scared something was really wrong.
So, a
to diablo sport predator and their staff
and a
-mad to superchips!!! Avoid their products!!! I never was happy with it, and sure enough it couldve cost me big bucks!
Sorry for the long post, but I felt it was important to share with you all!
I used to have a SCMT 1705 on there and it was pathetic at best. Recently, I sold it and picked up a diablo sport predator from one of the members on here and have been very pleased. Since I have had it in there (December 07), I have not returned it to the factory tune and have only changed tunes within it. Yesterday I went to modify a tune, and it would not let me do so becuase it said that the factory tune was not backed up or it had never been installed at all.
So, today I called up diablo sport (VERY NICE and VERY HELPFUL guy named Mike) and explained to him the situation. He walked me through the process of forcing the factory tune back on to the truck and said to fire it up. When I did this, the truck went HAYWIRE!!! It revved up and approached WOT if I had not cut it off, barreled out black smoke, terrible valve clatter, turbo was spinning...just a cluster $%^.
Long story short, he called up his tech and got back to me and informed me that the superchip I had on there before CORRUPTED the factory program!! He said that superchips have been notorious for doing this in the past and that when the predator loads it, it recognizes it as being a corrupted file. When you go and try and load it up to the truck, it just makes it go haywire becuase its all messed up. Luckily, the predator has all of the factory programs on there in a password protected portion that allowed me to write over my factory program with this one.
She runs like a champ now, but was scared something was really wrong.
So, a

and a

Sorry for the long post, but I felt it was important to share with you all!