As much as i hate to direct you to a place where you can do this, since I think blowing black smoke is a terrible thing for the status of diesels in america (ever wonder why you can't get any of the diesels available in Europe over here? This is why, public opinion because of people who like to make smoke.) I do not agree with posts saying you are an idiot, though, since I can understand why you would want this to an extent. Just promise me you will only use it on special occasions, to "get" people that have annoyed you or ricers or boom-boxers, okay?
Than call pretty much any of the custom chip guys and tell them what you want. They will burn it up for you, complete with a smoke program.
TS, DP, DI, etc.
Please, for the sake of diesels in America, and for our childrens sake (because that black stuff is harmless, but the burn is still incomplete, you know? Yu are making more harmful pollution when you smoke, and we should all do our part) use it sparingly...