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My wife and I were coming back from a trip out to the Wolf Sanctuary in Mongomery, Texas when we got caught behind two GAS powered pick-ups with flatbed trailers hauling cut trees and logs. The posted speed limit was 60 on this narrow two lane country road and these gas-hogs could only manage 35. We finally came to a "T" intersection and all turned left. Luckly this was a four lane road so I hammered the right pedal and flew past these guys. My wife commented how much they were hatin' me as that 5" was dumping all kinds of smoke into there open driver's side windows. Oopps. Guess they should have been pullin' with a diesel!
Then it happened.
After my speedo kept going right and their images kept getting smaller (and smokier) in my rear-view, my check engine light came on.
I pulled the codes and had a P1211-"injector above/below desired." Does anyone know if this means anything serious or is this typical of stacked Edge products?

Then it happened.

I pulled the codes and had a P1211-"injector above/below desired." Does anyone know if this means anything serious or is this typical of stacked Edge products?