Earl needs B100
Just got back a little bit ago from the mod party. Team_penin and Tx_atty are a couple of good guys that bleed diesel!
On Team_penin's truck we had a baseline of 55-56psi. Put for 4 #4 washers in and it came up to 60, put in 2 more and it went down to around 59.
He didn't want to put in another since we didn't gain much.
What did I do wrong guys? This is the first time for me to use washers as shims since I have a DI regulator housing kit. Please educate me.
I left my gauge setup on his truck so he could watch if it comes up after working out any air.
Mod party was about 50% productive.
Lots of BS'n and other things. Tx_Atty's cab lights look good! I think I'm gettin' some.

On Team_penin's truck we had a baseline of 55-56psi. Put for 4 #4 washers in and it came up to 60, put in 2 more and it went down to around 59.
What did I do wrong guys? This is the first time for me to use washers as shims since I have a DI regulator housing kit. Please educate me.

Mod party was about 50% productive.