Sea Foam safe to use in oil?


Full Access Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Rogersvilles, AL
Somebody mention using some sea foam in the fuel filter and fuel tank. I've never heard of sea foam so I googled it and found their site. Under the "FAQ" section it says it is safe to use in the oil. But then it says NOT to use it in the air intake. Doesn't the oil (small amount) in the 7.3 get into the intake via the ccv. Their site said using seafoam in the intake can cause hyro-lock or run away truck:eek:. Just wondering if it is something safe to do since it is a small amount of oil going throught the ccv or not.

Sea Foam | Diesel Engine FAQ's


Super Moderator
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Aug 10, 2008
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Greenfield, Indiana

What they are saying, is not to pour the contents down the intake of a diesel. Some people do it with a gasser, which is still not a good idea, but on a diesel the clearences inside the combustion chamber are so small the liquid can take up more space that is provided and cause bent rods, cracked pistons, lifted heads. This is with anything liquid that enters the intake, diesel, ether, water, gasoline. I read on the IDI forum next door ( that someone poured it down the intake and got away with it, and was very lucky. But I know of much more instances on the N/A IDI if the cowl seal leaks, and water gets on top of the air cleaner (has one like a carb'd gasser, sitting on top/rear of the engine) and the rubber washer/gasket is bad the rainwater can run directly into the intake, and several people have not been able to start their trucks after a heavy rain.

Another thing with liquid, my best friend had a an IDI and to gain more power, he was running water/meth (Windshield Washer Fluid) on the truck. He has always had the bigger is better belief and was injecting a massive amount of water into the intake (to the tune of about 15 GALLONS in and hour) and it was such a high consentration of water that some would condence in the intake/cylenders and cause a slight hydrolock each time the compression stroke happend in every cylender. This cause ALL 8 piston to crack and started to push the wristpins "up" toward the crown of the piston.......

So the amount that is vaporized in the oil and is carried into the intake is not going to cause an issue. Seafoam, I believe, is not harmful to the engine if it gets into the intake side of the engine since it is vaporized, but it being introduced in liquid form anything in liquid form is VERY BAD for a diesel. If you want to use is to clean the injectors, etc. I would put it in the fuel filter and run it in that way.....
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ursus combibo
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
yes, Sea Form is safe to use in oil...
about the only place you DON'T want to use it is coolant or windshield washer solvent...

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