I had my truck back to the dealer for a low boost problem. They reflashed my pcm to a VXCF7H3 that was supposed to fix my problem. Still have a low boost issue and got 11.7 mpg on the first tank. So I figured I'd try a tune but programer says vehicle not supported. I reformated the flasher with the latest update but when I tried to put a tune on it took but ran like it had no tune. Called sct tech and they ended up haveing me hook up the programer to my pc and they sucked everything out and had their engineers take a look. found out the dealer only got half of the new update installed so thats why the truck runs bad and does'nt take a tune. I had my old stock file saved on my pc so I reloaded that, but now for the interesting part. The new flash is to new of an update so they can't make the programing work yet. This is the second time this has happened in a year for me. SCT tech says I either have a bad pcm or a bad flash unit and they said I would be a first. Has anybody else ever had programing issues with your SCT that it has to get totally wiped clean and reformated?